
Load langs.xml failed!

  • Whatty

    Whatty - 2009-02-03

    Good afternoon,

    I just installed the latest version using the no %APPDATA% option and the installer and when I click on a file I get the message "Load langs.xml failed!", followed by a "Do you wish to recover your config.xml", followed by a recover "config.xml failed", followed by a "load styles.xml failed" etc etc.

    However, when I right-click the file and click "Edit with Notepad++" using the file explorer integration feature, I do not get these messages.

    I think it may be related to the no %APPDATA% option and not knowing where my configuration files are when I click on the file directly but that is only a guess.

    Anyone else seen this behavior.


    • Whatty

      Whatty - 2009-02-04

      That was exactly it, I did not see the link to the notepad++ replacement download package and replaced it with the regulare notepad++

      Thanks for the assistance.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-02-03

      You probably have notepad++ somewhere on your harddisk two times. One works fine (context menu) the other doesnt (its probably the executable without anything else)
      Best bet is to remove the Notepad++ associations and add them again, by running the context menu version first.

    • Whatty

      Whatty - 2009-02-03


      Interesting, I used the published Notepad replacement instructions, effectively replacing the SYSTEM notepad with NOTEPAD++, which is most likely causing the problems.

      Anyone else seen this behavior with the system notepad replacement option and know a workaround (i.e. putting the NOTEPAD++ installation path in the system %path% variable).


    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-02-03

      you probably wound up replacing notepad.exe with a copy of notepad++.exe, which shouldnt be the case. The launcher is a separate executable, which in turn launches the real notepad++.
      See if you can replace the current notepad with the launcher and have it run notepad++ from the proper directory.