
icons of file association & Autocomplete

  • Hetz Ben Hamo

    Hetz Ben Hamo - 2009-02-02

    (Sorry if it has been posted before, but I cannot seem to find it)

    I' using notepad++ 5.1.2 (Unicode) and I don't know what happend, but any file that is associated with notepad++ gives me an empty icon in my XP (empty as non recognized icon, not blank). Any suggestions?

    Another question: I can use the autocomplete which is nice, but how can I make auto-complete works when I'm writing HTML & Javascript on the same file? do I need to keep switching back and forth in the Lanaguage menu???


    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-02-04

      The icon problem will be fixed in the next release.

      As for the autocomplete, if it's not an issue, you can try merging the one for javascript with the one for HTML, but you have to keep it sorted.