
N++ wishes

  • Tomas Valusek

    Tomas Valusek - 2009-01-23

    I'm a user of Notepad++ for several years. This editor is really great, but I have some wishes which are not so hard to implement nad would greatly improve my experience with it:

    1. When saving a new file for the first time, N++ install folder is offered for saving. Well, this should default to user's Documents folder, which is obtainable using appropriate system variable.

    2. On Windows, selection is indicated with inverse colors. So why I can't change background color of selected text?

    3. I'm visually impaired (low vision) and I would use larger font than those sizes available in font size selection drop-down list. Actually, why it isn't a combo box as usual on Windows with no size limit? A user should decide what's reasonable for him.

    4. Cursor width can be set system-wide in Windows. Could N++ just use this value, maybe as an option?

    Once more, thanks for N++

    • Vasja Plahov

      Vasja Plahov - 2009-02-05

      I want associate file extention with style in N++. For example *.jrxml files with xml style.

      • Bill Finn

        Bill Finn - 2009-02-05

        Go to Settings->"Style Configurator".  Select XML, and add your user extension to the box: "User ext :"


    • Allen Zhu

      Allen Zhu - 2009-01-23

      1. When saving a new file for the first time, N++ install folder is offered for saving. Well, this should default to user's Documents folder, which is obtainable using appropriate system variable.

      Don't know how yours happened to do that... Mine's defaults to my Documents folder...

      What version and OS are you using?

      2. On Windows, selection is indicated with inverse colors. So why I can't change background color of selected text?

      Isn't that Windows Settings that reflect every program inside of Control Panel?

      3. I'm visually impaired (low vision) and I would use larger font than those sizes available in font size selection drop-down list. Actually, why it isn't a combo box as usual on Windows with no size limit? A user should decide what's reasonable for him.

      Like this idea! Really good idea!

      4. Cursor width can be set system-wide in Windows. Could N++ just use this value, maybe as an option?

      Notepad++ should have accessibility options; Don?

      Allen Zhu
      Digital Clubhouse Network

    • Oliver Harrison

      Oliver Harrison - 2009-01-28

      I can help you with 2 of these...

      2. You can change the background color of selected text by going to Settings > Styler Configurator > Language: Global Styles > Style: Selected text color.. that should allow you to change it to whatever you'd like.

      3. This one is simple and not that well-known, I don't think. Hold down the CTRL key and scroll up with your mousewheel. The font size is practically unlimited, as far as I can tell.

      Good luck, and enjoy.


    • Tomas Valusek

      Tomas Valusek - 2009-01-29

      Thanks for responses.

      Ad 1: Well, I don't know how it's happening, but whenever I save a new document, a location c:\Program Files\Notepad++\Localization is offered to me. WinXP profi SP3, N++ 5.1.4.

      Ad 2: Oops, I menat a TEXT color. I don't care about syntax highlighting within selected text. I'm using a dark theme on Windows, where selection is by default marked by black text on white background. I can't achieve this in N++.

      Ad 3: Well, I tried the Ctrl+wheel trick and it works. It would just be nice to reveal it :-) ... and allow numeric input of the font size desired.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-01-29

      3) Its a bit of a hack, but you could open stylers.xml in %APPDATA%\Notepad++ and scroll to the bottom. Fidn the default style and set fontSize to your liking :)

    • abc-x

      abc-x - 2009-01-29

      @3: Ctrl+[numeric] + - / will augment | reduce | reset size!

      another way  is settings -> styler conf… -> global styles -> global override -> font size -> your choice -> save !
      this is documented somewhere, but i don't remember where

      @2: the latter should also be possible in the mentioned place

    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-01-30

      About number 3: please don't take it wrong, but it's not that hidden. It's reported in the home page (, it's in the View menu, and there are even specific icons in the toolbar: a magnifying glass with a + and a - on it, which stands for zoom in and zoom out. The fact that you can use ctrl + mousewheel instead of ctrl +/- isn't documented, that's true... But after all, it's more or less becoming a sort of standard, because Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome (and probably other browsers such as Opera and Safari, but I don't use them) allow to zoom in/out using ctrl + mousewheel, as well as ctrl +/-.

      Again: please don't take it wrong, I'm just reporting it! :-)

    • Tomas Valusek

      Tomas Valusek - 2009-01-31

      Well, thanks again for responses. Now what bothers me the most is that default folder for saving new documents - where is that set? And what about the text color of selected text?

  • Franklin Davis

    Franklin Davis - 2015-05-14

    Open Properties of the shortcut you use to launch any app. The Shortcut tab has a "Start in" field. Enter whatever starting directory you prefer.