
Problems with redrawin of NPP-Window/Controls

  • ruespe

    ruespe - 2009-01-23

    First of all let say a big THANKS for NPP. It's a great job indead and I love it since a long time.

    I use 5.1.4 ANSI under Win XP SP 3. Since 5.1.2 I recognized a problems. It seems, that they depend on the handling of the scintilla-controls together with a 2nd view.

    I made some screenshots to visualize it. Here you see NPP in normal. The file is been showed within Scintilla1

    when I copy the file to a 2nd view, this is displayed in Scintilla2

    When I close the 2nd view, Scintilla2 isn't destroyed and erases the lower part of the window

    After scrolling up and down, I can see evrything again. But look at the lower Button of the scrollbar. It stays hidden. And Scintilla2 is still avtive.

    When I now open the FunctionList (a fantastic plugin!), everything becomes totally misterious.
    Scintilla2 stays in it's former dimensions (now named Scintilla3) and destroys the lower part of the file-view a well as the lower part of the functionList.
    Additionaly FunctionList first opens undocked ouside of NPP and a moment later it docks to NPP. But the image of the undocked FL stays on the desktop (or whereever it opened).

    The first (Scintilla2/3 overlays the docked window) is the same in other plugins, i.e. Favorites. But here the docked window doesn't appear on the desktop first. This seems to be a problem of FL.

    I hope, everything has become clear enough.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-01-26

      HexEditor and FL make use of the same code, not very unusual since Jens wrote both plugins :)
      I think its because the dialog is created visible, then given away to Notepad++, which docks it. Windows isn't very fond of changing the properties of a window when its visible, so these kind of glitchen can happen. Ruslan's version probably has the dialogs resource update to its created invisible, however there is no such version of the hexeditor AFAIK.

      HexEditor more or less needs to hack into Notepad++ a little to perform its work, so if the Notepad++ internals change, issues can occur. Jens probably knows a lot more about the subject though.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-01-24

      Since the toolbar and the desktop seem to be improperly redrawn as well, I suspect something is amiss with the window manager. Since I can see a little button next to the minimize button, maybe some 3rd party application causes it. Try booting into safe mode and run Notepad++ then, and tell if the problem persists (and if that printer icon is gone or not).
      Some ATI application causes conflicts as well, since no developers have any ATI hardware to debug this, its hard to fix.

    • ruespe

      ruespe - 2009-01-26

      Well, I tried it on 4 different computers (my privates [1xATI, 1xNVidia], my company's and a collegue's) and they all show the same. I'm sure, you can reproduce it. Just move one file of at least two into another view and move it back.

      The icon you see on the screenshots is from the (btw. fantastic) screenshot-tool hardcopy, which I only activated to produce the screenshots. This can't be the reason, cause normally it's not active.

      Btw, the red frames and the tooltips you see on the screenshots are not shown normally. They are from an analyse-tool, which can show all windows and controls. This is, why I'm pretty sure, that the scintilla2-control isn't destroyed.

    • ruespe

      ruespe - 2009-01-26

      Well, I tried it on 4 different computers (my privates [1xATI, 1xNVidia], my company's and a collegue's) and they all show the same. I'm sure, you can reproduce it. Just move one file of at least two into another view and move it back.

      The icon you see on the screenshots is from the (btw. fantastic) screenshot-tool hardcopy, which I only activated to produce the screenshots. This can't be the reason, cause normally it's not active.

      Btw, the red frames and the tooltips you see on the screenshots are not shown normally. They are from an analyse-tool, which can show all windows and controls. This is, why I'm pretty sure, that the scintilla2-control isn't destroyed.

    • DV

      DV - 2009-01-26

      I also noticed similar problem on different computers:

      Sometimes Scintilla's window is not fully redrawn - this occurs when one big file is opened and you perform "Go to another View" (try it several times). This drawing bug is reproduced constantly.

      Seems there is another similar problem:
      sometimes, when switching from maximized Notepad++ to another maximized application(s) and then, after some time, switching back to Notepad++, the Notepad++'es window is shown without its tollbar and its statusbar is also absent or shown over Scintilla's window. It happens really rarely and seems to be reproduced after system's Hibernate. I.e.:
      1) maximize Notepad++
      2) switch to another maximized application
      3) hibernate the system
      4) wake up the system
      5) switch to Notepad++'es window - now the bug may occur

    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-01-26

      Unfortunately I cannot seem to reproduce the bug. I took the 514 ANSI binary and added FL2.0 plugin, but cloning and closing documents do not make the second scintilla keep up showing when its not supposed to.
      I cloned the file, I moved the file, it kept working properly. Though I doubt it, maybe its because I use XP x64.
      Have you tried a clean install of notepad++ (ie downloading the binary and extracting everything into a new folder, and running from that)? And preferably run with the -noPlugin option and see if that helps.
      Note that no scintilla is ever destroyed though, its only hidden, because otherwise it would constantly have to be reinitialized.

    • DV

      DV - 2009-01-26

      regarding the first point (redrawing after "Go to another View") - You are Right!!! It is caused by the latest HexEditor plugin.

      Regarding the second point, I'll make more investigations later.

    • ruespe

      ruespe - 2009-01-26

      It is the HexEditor.dll. When I delete or rename it, the 2nd-view-bug has gone. Thanks for your advice. I did it the way you described with a clean installation and put one dll after the other into the new plugin-directory and so I found him.

      But the bug with FunctionList hasn't gone. Try the following: Open npp, activate FunctionList, put the non-fullscreen-window of NPP into the middle of the monitor, close it and open it again. First FunctionList opens undocked at the left side of the screen, a moment later NPP opens and FunctionList docks, but the image of the undocked FL stays on the desktop.

      Thanks a lot so far. For your help and for this fantastic editor.

      • DV

        DV - 2009-01-26

        Seems you have outdated rebuild of FunctionList plugin. You need to visit Ruslan's site (blog) again and download the latest version: 

      • koyama

        koyama - 2009-01-26

        I had reported similar redraw weirdness with HEX editor plug-in. Maybe this problem is related to that. There are also attached some screenshots: