
Notepad++ crashes frequently

  • Leon Blakey

    Leon Blakey - 2009-01-19

    After using Notepad++, i recently have gotten a slew of crashes. It seems to have no order or common link. Here's the error:

    Anyone have any idea's?

    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-01-19

      It would help the developers to know what version you are using (version number, and whether it is Ansi or Unicode), what operating system you are using, and what plugins you have installed. I suspect it might be due to a faulty plugin: try removing one at a time and test if it still crashes.

    • Leon Blakey

      Leon Blakey - 2009-01-19

      I'm using the most recent version (5.1.4) with a container.

      According to the about page, i'm using unicode.

      Plugins: Compare, Document Monitor, FTP_Syncronize, MIME Tools, NppExec, NppExport, NppNetNote, Spell-checker. (at least this is what was in the plugins menu)

      Operating System: Windows XP SP3

      Whats weird with this is that i've never seen this before. I've used N++ on many diffrent computers with the same portable container and its never happened this frequently.

    • Fabio

      Fabio - 2009-01-20

      Do you remember if you made any changes right before it started crashing? For example, did it start crashing from version 5.1.4? Or from the moment you installed a certain plugin? In case, you might try downgrading, or uninstalling the most recent plugin.

      Otherwise, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next version, and hope it'll be fixed.

    • hsbsitez getho

      hsbsitez getho - 2009-01-20

      I am getting the same error.
      I have installed any new plugin, only edited the programs settings.
      I have the same version as him.

      I am gonna turn off the "Function parameter hint..." from the settings, because it seems to occur when I press ( .

      • Allen Zhu

        Allen Zhu - 2009-01-20

        Are you using Notepad++ on a USB/iPod/Portable Device or are you using it on your home computer without installing?

        Because if you're using it on your home computer, then technically why don't you install the regular version?

        I mean, PortableApps modifies the code of the original thing, unlike Mojopac, which I like to use...

        If you are using a Portable Device, I would suggest you ditch PortableApps (Well, maybe except for Firefox or Filezilla which is good) and switch to Mojopac.

        Just my thougts...

        Allen Zhu

      • Imgen Wakin

        Imgen Wakin - 2009-01-22

        I was getting the same problem and now it seems to be fixed by the workaround of hsbsitez - turning off 'function parameter hint...' from the settings.
        Thank you. But I really think this problem should be fixed in the future version.

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2009-01-22

          Please provide the instruction to reproduce it.
          If I can reproduce it then I'll be able to fix it.


    • hsbsitez getho

      hsbsitez getho - 2009-01-21

      I have it installed on my computer.

    • Tyler Charlesworth

      This happens to me in 5.1.4 Unicode
      in HTML language, entering Javascript.
      Seems like mostly when I do an (

      I'm going to try turning off the function hint for now too.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-01-29

        Could you tell me if crash still happens when you turn off function hint feature?


    • Martijn  Gijsberti Hodenpijl

      Happens to me as wel.

      I use 5.1.4 Unicode I did not install any plugins, beside the the pluging which are part of the default installation.

      Happens regulary, but difiicult to reproduct exactely.
      I open php file and enter <? and press enter and it happens. After it happens you cannot use the file anymore, it happens every time once a file is corrupted. Editor is basically unworkable.

      It happens since I have installed 5.1.4 so I guess it is a regression.

      Please fix this asap,

      Function Parameter Hint  is not switched on. I will  use another editor untill the bug is fixed.

      Kind regards,

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-01-29

        > Please fix this asap,

        > I will use another editor untill the bug is fixed.

        That's your call.
        But let's try to be fair, if you don't want to spend your time to reproduce crash steadily, how can you expect I do the effort to fix the bug for you?


    • Martijn  Gijsberti Hodenpijl

      Thanks for making the call.

      >But let's try to be fair, if you don't want to spend your time to reproduce crash >steadily, how can you expect I do the effort to fix the bug for you?

      Actually I spend one hour in an attempt to reproduce the problem. And this was during my work, and I am having a tight schedule to fix problems for our customer. So I switched to another editor to get the job done.

      Goog luck with fixing!  

    • Harry

      Harry - 2009-02-02

      The version on the SVN at this time (rev 408) creates a dump file when it crashes, allowing the devs to pinpoint the problem better (though it still requires some effort :)). I uploaded the debug build of Notepad++ (Unicode) that has this. Could you try it, and if it crashes, upload the dump file somewhere? When its created, Npp will tell you where it is.

      Mind you, you need atleast Windows XP to make use of it (or download the latest and greated dbghelp.dll file from microsoft).

      (this is a copy of my message on another thread, it still apllies)

      • Morac

        Morac - 2009-02-05

        Do you have a debug version of the Unicode 5.1.4 version? 

        The version you posted is 5.1.0.  Your version crashes with a "HEAP CORRUPTION" error any time I type the "(" character, but the 5.1.4 unicode release version I have installed does not do that so it's not the same problem.

        • Harry

          Harry - 2009-02-05

          Sorry, I must have uploaded the wrong file. I recompiled it and reuploaded it, and now it should be 5.1.4

          Also, do not immediately assume that if the release version doesn't crash, the bug isn't there :) The debug versions performs way more checks on the memory, so errors are more likely to be catched.

          • Morac

            Morac - 2009-02-06

            Okay I used the newly updated debug version and it crashes any time I type  letters followed by a "(".  So for example typing "a(" causes a crash.  Unchecking the "Function parameter hint on input" checkbox prevents the crash.

            Steps to reproduce:
            1. open notepad++ (with or without plugins installed)
            2. Make sure "Function parameter hint on input" checkbox is checked in the Backup/Autocomplete options.
            3. type "a("
            4. crash

            I'm not being told of any debug file being created, but I did get an error screen and then a second one if I click the "retry" button and skip the submit error to Microsoft box.


            • Harry

              Harry - 2009-02-07

              >>I'm not being told of any debug file being created, but I did get an error screen and then a second one if I click the "retry" button and skip the submit error to Microsoft box.

              Its one of the exceptions that is not being caught by the debugger, so it wont create a dump file, ill think about changing it (it means the way it works now is going to be altered, you I have to be careful with that)

            • Don HO

              Don HO - 2009-02-07

              > Steps to reproduce:
              > 1. open notepad++ (with or without plugins installed)
              > 2. Make sure "Function parameter hint on input" checkbox is checked in the
              > Backup/Autocomplete options.
              > 3. type "a("
              > 4. crash

              I can not reproduce crash with your instructions.
              Which language was applied on the document when notepad++ crashed?


              • Don HO

                Don HO - 2009-02-07

                OK, it's fixed.
                It'll be in the next release (v5.2)


    • Morac

      Morac - 2009-02-05

      I'm getting regular frequent crashes (every 15 minutes or so) with the 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 Unicode versions on my work machine.  There doesn't seem to be any trigger it will just crash.  I've seen it crash when typing, when closing files, when exiting the program, etc.

      I'm running the version from the zip file (i.e. - I didn't install).  I tried removing all plugins, but it still crashes.
      I'm not running as an admin if that makes a difference.

      I'll try the debug version.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2009-02-05

        Thank you for the information.

        Which OS is installed on your working machine? vista?


        • Morac

          Morac - 2009-02-05

          XP SP2