
Patch to fix TAB bug

  • voidpointer

    voidpointer - 2008-12-29

    The bug page for this issue is here:

    In the bug report page I've linked above, I supplied a patch file that should fix this issue. Please verify to make sure it works!

    • voidpointer

      voidpointer - 2008-12-30

      Thanks for the response Harry.

      I must admit I'm not very familiar with the implementation details of Notepad++, this includes Scintilla. I simply assumed Scintilla was the "Engine" for Notepad++. I will definitely look into posting this issue to the Scintilla community.


    • Bob Uncle

      Bob Uncle - 2008-12-30

      I am not sure if this is a bug in my opinion.

      If you have 7 spaces and press SHIFT+TAB to go back a level, I bet the code says "remove 4 spaces" rather than "go to previous tab". This is just one reason why I stick with leaving tabs as tabs instead of spaces, and then this is a non-issue.

      • voidpointer

        voidpointer - 2008-12-30

        With all do respect, it sounds like you're making an excuse for a poorly implemented feature. Yes, this is a bug. I'm not requesting a tab feature that didn't exist, I'm asking for it to work in a consistent and functional way.

        Pressing TAB says "Go to next tab" instead of just "add 4 spaces", so why should the inverse for SHIFT+TAB be any different? It shouldn't. Not everyone likes to use tabs instead of spaces like you do, so you're a bit biased. In any case, I've made the effort to fix this issue so no one else has to go through any great effort. I'm hoping someone will be appreciative.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-12-30

      In my opinion this does sound like a bug, however its from the Scintilla core, and personally I like to touch that as little as possible (for example to make future upgrades easier). It's up to Don to decide whether to add the patch or not. (Dont worry, I appreciate the patch(es), thats how its supposed to work :])
      However, I do suggest to take a look at the Scintilla mailing list and post it there as well. If the author of Scintilla thinks its a bug as well, he'll probably be happy with the fix :).