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  • Kirill Pershin

    Kirill Pershin - 2008-10-03

    If anyone need: MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.6.exe

    • Scott Somers

      Scott Somers - 2009-05-02

      This worked perfect for me, May '09.

    • monk.e.boy

      monk.e.boy - 2008-10-07

      THANK YOU :-))))))))))


    • kannibul

      kannibul - 2008-10-15

      Does not work for me.

      I used clean Windows XP system
      1. Installed Python26 (default path)
      2. Installed
      3. Opened python console
      4. ran the following commad : import MySQLdb

      I received the following output:

      Python 2.6 (r26:66721, Oct 2 2008, 11:35:03) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
      >>> import MySQLdb
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\", line 19, in <module>

      import _mysql

      ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

      Can it be fixed ?

    • JR Smith

      JR Smith - 2008-10-15

      I'm getting the same error as k0rdless. I've tried moving a copy of libmysql.dll around to the root python directory, the site-packages directory, and the system32 directory with no success. The path to my mysql bin directory is in the PATH env variable, as are all of the above-mentioned python paths.

      I'm going to have to revert to 2.5 until this is fixed.

    • brian hook

      brian hook - 2008-10-29

      So any news on this?

    • Eugene Klimov

      Eugene Klimov - 2008-11-10

      need libmmd.dll and libguide40.dll on windows\system32\

    • kannibul

      kannibul - 2008-11-12

      It also works with libmmd.dll and libguide40.dll placed in
      root of Lib\site-packages
      Thanks, Eugene

    • Dave Parsons

      Dave Parsons - 2008-11-19

      I need MYSQLdb for 2.6 as well, but am not in the habit of running .exe files from random Russian web sites (no offense Kirill).

      Coming from the PHP world, I can't understand why MySQL access is such a pain in the nuts in Python.


      • Lloyd Kvam

        Lloyd Kvam - 2008-11-19

        It is only a pain in Windows since you do not have a C compiler included to handle the C language parts of the module source. That also makes it harder to find people to build a binary. If you are that concerned about downloading .exe files, I'd recommend acquiring a Windows C compiler and building the module from source. Post a request here or on Python-Tutor if you need help with the build process.

    • barbarossa.platz

      I downloaded everything, included a couple of additional dlls, that in case you can find at

      But when I use the module, I get the following 'deprecation warning':
      C:\Python\lib\site-packages\ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
      from sets import ImmutableSet

      In the documentation of Python 2.6 I found:

      "sets — Unordered collections of unique elements
      New in version 2.3.

      Deprecated since version 2.6: The built-in set/frozenset types replace this module".

      I must be rather dull, but I couldn't write the proper code to replace 'from sets import Immutable Set'. Is there on the web someone smarter than I?

    • barbarossa.platz

      P.S. to my prior message of Nov. 21

      I found the answer myself to my question: just replace

       from sets import ImmutableSet
       class DBAPISet(ImmutableSet):

      in the file """MySQLdb - A DB API v2.0 compatible interface to MySQL.init"


       class DBAPISet(frozenset)

      BUT at this point I found that also in the file there is a line

       from sets import BaseSet, Set

      and, since I do not understand the code in that file, I don't dare change it.
      For the moment being, we can survive with a warning, but "deprecated" means that sooner or later the whole module "sets" will be erased.

      So, I humbly ask the code's author to intervene.

    • Technical Bard

      Technical Bard - 2008-11-25

      I have compiled the MySQLdb package against MySQL 5.0.67 and Python 2.6 on Win32 using MSVC++ 2008 Express. The package is available on my site. The owner of this project is free to add this to the sf downloads page.

      Hope it works for you.

      • Jochen Ritzel

        Jochen Ritzel - 2008-12-06

        Thanks alot, your package works fine.

    • Luis Moreno

      Luis Moreno - 2008-12-13

      About warnings:

      1) file "init", replace:

      from sets import ImmutableSet
      class DBAPISet(ImmutableSet):


      class DBAPISet(frozenset)

      2) file "", remove:

      from sets import BaseSet, Set

      3) file "", change "Set" by "set" (IMPORTANT: only two places):

      line 48: return set([ i for i in s.split(',') if i ])
      line 128: set: Set2Str,

      I hope this be useful.


      Luis Moreno

    • Kirill Pershin

      Kirill Pershin - 2009-02-01


      Visual Studio 2008
      Windows SDK 6.1
      Python 2.6 Libs
      Mysql 5.0.67 Libs

      Under Windows Vista 32 is working properly.

    • elena

      elena - 2009-02-01

      Worked well under XP SP2.

      Thanks Luis!

    • Bynds

      Bynds - 2009-02-10

      Thanks Technical Bard,

      Worked flawlessly on XP Sp3.
      Just when I thought I would have to abandon mysqldb on Windows.


    • Anson Chapman

      Anson Chapman - 2009-03-06

      Hi All
      I finally got MySQLdb ver 2.6 to work on my system (Windows XP SP3) but named_pipe does not work. keeps proclaiming Error "Type Integer required".

      Does anyone have a solution?
      Need soon.

      Thanks in advance.


      • Andy Dustman

        Andy Dustman - 2009-03-15

        named_pipe on windows is effectively a boolean; just set it to 1. Then according to the MySQL docs, you'll need to set hostname="."

    • Michal Hala

      Michal Hala - 2009-03-15

      Hi All.
      Does anybody know where to find and download MySQLdb for Python 2.6 x64 - i.e. 64 bit version? And if this version does not exist, when it will theoretically be theoretically available?

      • Andy Dustman

        Andy Dustman - 2009-03-15

        My stock answer is: I don't do WIndows, so I don't make any Windows builds myself. Sometimes people will contribute them.

        It complicates matters that right now there are three active versions of Python 2.x out in the wild: 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6, and to a lesser extent 2.3. There's also MySQL-5.0 and 5.1 and probably still some 4.1 and some older versions. If you do the math, that's a lot of potential binary builds, although a static build against MySQL-5.1 would probably work well in all or most cases.

        BTW, MySQL-python-1.2.3b2 is out and should be the last beta before a release candidate around the end of the month.

        • Michal Hala

          Michal Hala - 2009-03-16

          Thank you for explanation. It's clear. I understand.

          I was just trying to decide if it there is possibility develop apps in 64 bit Python, 64 bit MySQL, and under 64 bit Windows.

          • Ioannis Lalopoulos

            Take a look at

            I have included 64bit Windows builds for MySQLdb 1.2.2 and 1.2.3c1 (python 2.6.x with MySQL 5.1.33, tested with MySQL 5.0.67 Server).

      • Jason R. Coombs

        Jason R. Coombs - 2009-03-15

        I've tried building MySQL-python 1.2.2 for Windows 64-bit, but there are errors in the build which I think relate to the 64-bit environment, primarily with _mysql.c. I've posted these errors in a thread about building for 64-bit windows in this forum.

        I've also begun an attempt to create a _mysql library that uses ctypes and doesn't require a compiler, which should alleviate the need for binary builds and the issues with word size and python versinos, but Andy has indicated that he doesn't want to support this for MySQLdb 1.2.

        In the light of these Windows issues, perhaps Andy would reconsider allowing the patch for 1.2, which should not break the existing functionality, but with a command-line switch allows the module to be built without the extension modules.

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