
Change request: Vista and VirtualStore

  • ARoux

    ARoux - 2008-12-03

    Under Vista SP1, Notepad++ 5.1.1 is storring the Config XML Files under "c:\Users\Username\appdata\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Notepad++". Shouldn't it be on "c:\Users\Username\appdata\Roaming\Notepad++"?

    • Bob Zagars

      Bob Zagars - 2008-12-05

      I am getting an error with Notepad++ with Vista 64 "This ANSI plugin is not compatible with your Unicode Notepad++."

      Can someone tell me how to resolve?

    • P Cause

      P Cause - 2008-12-04

      This is becuase Notepad++ is trying to store in the directory in which it was installed and that directory is in "Program Files".  When that happens, on Vista, you don't write into the the install directory and Vista catches the write and stores it in this virtual storoe.  *IN THEORY* when programs try to open the file using the install directory as part of the path, Vista checks to see if there is the file in the virtual store and returns it.

      I understand why VIsta does this but HATE it and it isn't transparent to all opens!

    • ARoux

      ARoux - 2008-12-05

      In my opinion this happens when the application is not 100% Vista aware. FileZilla is doing it correct in the last version. That means, the XML Files are in the "c:\Uses\Username\appdata\Roaming\Filezilla" Folder.
      Older Versions of Filezilla had also the Virtual Store as XML Store location. I found the following text in the changelog of Filezilla:

      The default manifest provided by wxWidgets does not have requestedExecutionLevel set. As such, madness like the filesystem virtualization (%LOCALAPPDATA%/VirtualStore) was active. The new manifest sets requestedExecutionLevel to "asInvoker" and thus avoids the virtual store.