

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2008-11-19

    Hello Npp user,

    here is a list of all my plugins and the respective changelog:

    Explorer Plugin v1.8.0 :
        New: UNICODE support for Notepad++ 5.1
        Fix: Sorting over header in file list works again
        Fix: Doubleclick on a tooltip in file list makes trouble
        Fix: Using of drop down history doesn't select the last items
        Fix: Right mouse click context menu "New File..." doesn't work
        New: Explorer path can be direct selected over a new menu item
        New: Network folder convert, e.g. \\my_home_net\folder1\ is
        New: Reset of file filter can be done over a new menu item
        New: Support for NppExec scripts (NppExec 2.5 or later needed):
              - In right click context menu a new item appears when NppExec supports
                external start of scripts.
              - The scripts with extension *.exec are listed in a submenu.
              - In first line a rule for Explorer needs to be defined:
                 //Explorer: NPPEXEX_DLL_NAME EXP_XXX[0] EXP_XXX[1] ...
              - Following params are possible ( 'x' is file/folder 0-n ):
                    * EXP_FULL_PATH[x]          C:\Notepad++\plugins\Explorer.dll
                    * EXP_ROOT_PATH[x]          C:
                    * EXP_PARENT_FULL_DIR[x]    C:\Notepad++\plugins
                    * EXP_PARENT_DIR[x]         plugins
                    * EXP_FULL_FILE[x]          Explorer.dll
                    * EXP_FILE_NAME[x]          Explorer
                    * EXP_FILE_EXT[x]           dll
        Change: "Previous/Next Folder" shows the first selected item in any case

    Additional note:
    If you do not know exactly how to get work with NppExec and Explorer, you can create an example file in option dialog.

    Hex-Editor  v0.9.1 :
        New: UNICODE support for Notepad++ 5.1
        Fix: Changed convert behaviour for Big-Endian/Little Endian solved
             Win32 Exception when using Find [NPP-P-B-2016651]
        Fix: Insufficent memory detection for dynamic memory creation
        Fix: Buffer overrun removed layout is set to 64-Bit/Binary [NPP-P-B-2017962]
        New: In Hex-Editor the menu of Notepad++ will be restricted
        New: Automatic Hex-Edit-Mode: If the plugin detects in file within the first
             1MB a user defined count of zeros - specified in percent - the Hex-Editor
             will be lunched automatically.
        Restriction: Simple Compare only possible with file sizes less 40 MB.
        Restriction: Only fonts with fix pitch size supported

    Spell-Checker  v1.3.2 :
        Fix: UNICODE support for Notepad++ 5.1

    Window Manager  v1.2 :
        Fix: UNICODE support for Notepad++ 5.1
        New: Sorting by file type possible
        Fix: Hide tabbar feature was not usable in other versions than N++ 4.8.0

    Native Lang  v1.2 :
        New: Build for Notepad++ UNICODE version for 5.1
        New: About dialog with information about supported installed plugins

    Have fun

    • Leon Sorokin

      Leon Sorokin - 2008-11-19

      Pure, unadulterated awesomeness. Found bug in Explorer (UNI): Context menu "Add to Favorites" for a drive root (not a folder) = crash...but it can be added manually...though not through the UI, only by typing in.

      One easy, yet invaluable feature request, if i may. (this will make my life, and hopefully others', much easier):

      Add the ability to replace the top pane with Favorites instead of Explorer...and keep the bottom pane as-is - displaying contents of the selected favorites location. Having favorites in a different tab makes it very inconvenient to use - i have 9 drives, and i need to use only the last one in the list, so most of the space is wasted and never used. I can add the drive to favorites which filters out anything i dont need...the ability to just click the favorite and see the content below would be ideal and efficient. Please implement.


    • Leon Sorokin

      Leon Sorokin - 2008-11-19

      ....or perhaps (instead?) the ability to set a working "root" folder that can be saved with the session...and filter out everything else in the explorer view - this might actually be much closer to the behavior i'd like to see, now that i think longer about it. - cause every project typically has a root folder, and often little need to interact with other directory structures...but make an unhide ability (mappable to shortcut key combo maybe) that would show you the full tree if needed for quick operations.
