
crazy auto indent

  • mamat hensem

    mamat hensem - 2008-11-17

    everytime i enter colon (:) it will automatically increase the indent (like pressing tab).
    and when i enter open curly brcaket ({) it will decrease the indent (press back space to delete a tab).

    i already disable auto indent, and it still happen. this only happen after i upgrade to version 5.1.1. previous version don't have this problem even when auto indent enable. 

    • Josh Driver

      Josh Driver - 2008-11-17

      what language are you using?

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-11-17

      that will disable it for good :) Its buggy, Im sorry for that

      • ceravis

        ceravis - 2008-11-24

        Thanks so much for this tip - that buggy auto-indent was driving me nuts!  I was actually shopping around for other text editors... but the competition just doesn't compare so I persevered ;)

        Could this particular plugin be disabled by default?  At least until the kinks are worked out...  I would imagine I'm not the only user who found this incredibly frustrating.

        • Harry

          Harry - 2008-11-24

          Im working on getting it running properly. If it doesnt do that for the next release, itll be turned off (or turned off anyway, some people prefer the current indenting).