
Breakpoints look enabled but don't break

  • Andres March

    Andres March - 2008-05-07

    The debugger looks set up properly but it won't stop on my breakpoints.  I'm using pylons.  I run paster using the debugger in eclipse.  There is a single process in the debug window.  The process has 3 threads: Main, pydevd reader, and pydevd writer.  The breakpoints look enabled in the breakpoint view.  I read all the instructions about debugging different web frameworks and they all seem to indicate there should only be a problem if the main python script starts a second one.  This doesn't seem to happen with paster.  Does anybody know if the local eclipse debugger works with paster/pylons?

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-05-07

      Can you report that as a bug? Also, it'd be nice if you could attach some sample code to the bug report explaining which steps are you taking so that I can reproduce it.



      • Andres March

        Andres March - 2008-05-07

        I would be happy to enter a bug.  I didn't do that originally because it seemed like something basic that would work, so I assumed misconfiguration on my end.  FYI, I also tried with the remote debugger.  The process broke on the point that I called setTrace() but then didn't hit the breakpoints that I had set.  When I changed code and it reloaded, it broke again on setTrace(), so seemed to function correctly in that regard.

        With java break points they appear as circle icons until they are loaded, then they change to check marks.  Is the same true for pydev?

        • Andres March

          Andres March - 2008-05-07
          • fald birken

            fald birken - 2008-10-08

            Using paster without the --reload option solves the problem for me.