
Light Explorer feature request

David Vick
  • David Vick

    David Vick - 2008-09-23

    I'd like to request a feature be added to the light explorer plugin that when you open a file it gets focus as opposed to the focus remaining on the explorer. Better yet, make it a user configurable option.


    • Tom

      Tom - 2008-10-06

      What I would really like is sloppy focus... if that's the right term- basically it would be great if the mouse wheel scrolled what was under the mouse pointer, rather than having to click to change what scrolls.

      Also a no icons option, deselecting "Use System Icons" still shows folder and - for some bizarre reason - MS Word icons.

    • zzyplza

      zzyplza - 2008-09-30

      And another (unless it's already there!)  I'd like to be able to open up the directory tree to the containing folder of the active file.