
Autocomplete for internal/inline CSS

  • Xichael

    Xichael - 2008-09-01

    Is it possible to have autocomplete on for CSS that's inside of HTML?

    Related question: how do I turn on HTML autocomplete? Ctrl+Space isn't doing anything...

    • Xichael

      Xichael - 2008-09-02

      So CSS autocomplete/highlighting will simply not work inside an HTML document then?
      That's a shame. I guess Notepad++ isn't for me... 

      Is this an uncommon feature for a text editor to have?
      Any chance Notepad++ will be able to do this in the future?

    • Xichael

      Xichael - 2008-09-01

      I forgot to ask about syntax highlighting (apparently we can't edit our posts here)...

      Can we have syntax highlighting for both HTML & CSS in the same document?

      My question, in short: can Notepad++ do syntax highlighting and autocomplete for CSS that appears inside of an HTML document?

    • Xichael

      Xichael - 2008-09-02


      I can't be the only one who uses CSS in an HTML document...

      This is absolutely essential for me. Notepad++ is useless without it.


      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2008-09-02

        > Notepad++ is useless without it.

        I don't think you'll get (m)any (friendly) answer(s), if you start talking like that.

        If you think Notepad++ is useless, use something else.

        • Xichael

          Xichael - 2008-09-02

          Pardon the hyperbole, that should read "Notepad++ is useless *to me* without it"...

          Notepad++ is damn useful. One of the best free editors out there.

          I'm just hoping to switch from Komodo Edit (too slow) and Dreamweaver before that (too slow + expensive).

          Notepad++ is almost the perfect editor, but for this glaring omission.

          So is there a solution?

          • Harry

            Harry - 2008-09-02

            To answer your question about CSS highlighting: no, Notepad++ can (afaik) not highlight sections inside a HTML file with CSS highlighting.
            XML, ASP, PHP Javascript and HTML mix perfectly but that is because the lexer used for those languages has those languages combined and can handle them in one run.

            As for the autocomplete, the HTML autocomplete will only complete words that are recognized by the lexer, that is, the ones defined in langs.xml (HTML, RC and some other language are an exception to the standard behavior of reading a separate XML file).
            Try triggering autocomplete in an empty section and see if the full list pops up. If it doesn't, something's not working right, in which case reinstalling the latest or some older version can help.