
Move file to recycle bin on delete

  • Acheron

    Acheron - 2008-07-12

    I noticed the new menu command to delete the file. Although a warning is displayed users might actually delete their work instead of saving it. Please modify this command to move files to the recycle bin.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      or better, let us set an option to choose what should NPP do on file delete.

      • Acheron

        Acheron - 2008-07-19

        No need to add extra options to Notepad++. Windows already supports an option to bypass the recycle bin on delete.
        Programs should never delete any user created content directly.

  • nablaodel

    nablaodel - 2012-06-06

    I completely agree. This is an old post but I'd like to renew a request for this change on behavior.