
Please Add in v5.0.2 its very useful!!!!!!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Alright I would like to see some sort of feature to save "Last saved file directory" where when you say a file you can choose or not an option to save that last directory to start in whens saving other files.  Its very annoying creating a new file, then having to start in the default "C:\Program Files\Notepad++" directory every time when you need to save a new file.  Why not have it so the last file you saved (it enabled) save that last directory the file was saved in to be used as a "start up directory" to begin saving files in instead of using the default Notepad++'s default directory, I know many people like my self would like to code scripts in a much faster efficient way without having to search for 2 minutes for a folder when you can do it in 2 seconds.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I second this request!  Please add this feature as well as defaulting the extension of the file being saved to the "Language" (i.e. XML, TXT, PHP, etc...) selected in the editor.  These could be options for users to choose if they want these features enabled or not.

    • Dennis McCunney

      Dennis McCunney - 2008-07-20

      >Alright I would like to see some sort of feature to save "Last saved file
      >directory" where when you say a file you can choose or not an option to save that
      >last directory to start in whens saving other files

      Go to Settings/Preferences/Misc.  Check the box "Remember last operation directory".  See if it does what you want.

      • beholder

        beholder - 2008-07-21

        This doesn't work with  -multiInst -notabbar -nosession (in NPP 5.0.1)

        Or it doesn't work at all, I am not sure, it doesn't work on my computer either way, with those switches or without them. "Program Files/Notepad++/" is the default dir every time I run NPP and try to "save as".

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2008-07-21

          > This doesn't work with -multiInst -notabbar -nosession (in NPP 5.0.1)

          Tested with v5.0.1, works perfectly for me.


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      The remembering to save to a folder works for me too.  However, I like the idea of "defaulting the extension of the file being saved to the "Language" (i.e. XML, TXT, PHP, etc...) selected in the editor."  This could be a user preference if they want it or not.

      Would you guys please consider adding that?

