
Eliminating unused spaces in eclipse

Boris G
  • Boris G

    Boris G - 2008-07-13

    Actually this is an eclipse, rather than pydev question, but yet...

    Eclipse (at least in my configuration) has lots of "unused" spaces ( Can someone give a hint on how to make them smaller (change the font size? other ideas?) Especially, how do I get rid of the area at the bottom, marked by an asterisk?

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-07-13

      You can hide the top toolbar by right clicking it and choosing 'hide toolbar' (later accessible through the menu window > show toolbar).

      As for making the view titles smaller, there's the plugin: that seems to be able to add some customization to that (note that I've never used it).

      As for the area on the bottom, I couldn't find a way to hide it (maybe asking in the eclipse forum may give you a better answer on that)



      • Tim Diggins

        Tim Diggins - 2008-07-13

        the starred area with multiple panes (console etc) you can easily get rid of by the simple process of clicking the minimize widget (like a minus sign at top left of the area) - this shrinks it (as you see) to a micro toolbar.

    • Boris G

      Boris G - 2008-07-14

      Thank you, Fabio. This plugin is indeed a huge improvement.

      Tim: the star refers to the arrow: i.e. the bottom panel, and not to the console window (that is anything but "unused"). I still fill it is redundant or at least too big