
Strange text garbling in long line (>64k)

  • Dženan Zukić

    Dženan Zukić - 2008-07-10

    screen shot:

    Text at some point (different point in different lines) becomes garbled, depending on scrollbar position and window size (width). One thing that always held true: if scrollbar is completely scrolled to the right, text is displayed properly. If I click left arrow on scrollbar, one line gets garbled immediately.

    All occurrences I noticed were beyond column 65536 (see screen shot). I might also be connected with number of quotes (") visible on screen (with odd number of quoted making trouble).

    I noticed bug in 4.9.2. Then I looked for newer version and downloaded 5.0 and the bug was still there. I decided to experiment a bit with it (in order to be able to give best bug-description possible). Description above was made observing version 5.0's behavior.

    I can send the offending XML file (around 1MB when compressed, 1.5MB uncompressed).

    Dženan Zukić

    • Dženan Zukić

      Dženan Zukić - 2008-07-10

      I forgot to mention, the garbled text seems to be several strings displayed in same position on screen (for example, string 'RepetitionCount=' can be read, but following '"1"' cannot). When garbled text is visible on screen, scrolling (by pressing arrow on scrollbar and holding it) is slower.

      • marc quimby

        marc quimby - 2009-02-13

        This only appears to happen when using UTF-8 encoding.  When I switched to ANSI, the entire line was displayed without garbling.