
Function parameters calltip

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I the release notes of npp 5.0 it is said:
    "Calltip is available for all the supported languages - you just need to add them(the php.xml is complete)."

    Where can I found these xml files ? Where should I put them to get autoc-completion for the supported languages.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      4.9: plain text files with only words
      5.0: XML file with more than just words, properties aswell, like calltips.

      Imprting is just changing the XML file or adding a new one in said location


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I updated the wiki help page with the location:


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes but how can I "import" these files so that there are taken into account by npp? Currently, I cannot see a difference in the auto completion between v5.0 and 4.9.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The XML files should be located in \plugins\APIs below your N++ folder normally. Dunno if this helps.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The xml files are located in \plugins\APIs but I cannot see any difference in intellisens between this version and the old ones...