
File Menu appear delay

  • Ranganathan Sridharan

    Hi guys,
           Is there a way to turn off the delay and the fade-in animation on the appearance of the file menu. Is this happening because the menu is parsed and built at runtime from the XML files. I cleared all recently used documents thinking this might be the case and the delay is still there. I looked in the preferences and could not find anything. I even tried out a portable notepad++ version to make sure it was not some setting I set in the config file and forgot. But this delay has been there for quite some versions and upgrading did not help. I am currently at 4.9.2 and hesitant to try v5 RC yet. Can somebody help. If it involves code recompiling that is fine as well. Just point me in the right direction. Thanks.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-07-02

      There is nothing done dynamic when opening the file menu. If it happens to all menus, its probably your windows settings. The fade animation is certainly windows, Notepad++ does nothing to fade menus.
      5.0 does have a slight change to the file menu: the recent files are differently ordered.

      • Ranganathan Sridharan

        Thanks a lot for pointing me in that direction. I was so stupid to not even think of that. Turning off menu effects in the control panel fixed it. But what I dont seem to understand is that no other software (not even firefox) was giving me this problem even though the windows setting is global. Hmmm wish what they mean by building the program for windows UI??!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Firefox among other application have custom made menus and dont use the windows controls for that, or atleast partially. That may be the reason those application suffer from it too much.

      • Dennis McCunney

        Dennis McCunney - 2008-07-02

        > Firefox among other application have custom made menus and dont use
        > the windows controls for that, or atleast partially. That may be the
        > reason those application suffer from it too much. 

        What Firefox displays on the screen is rendered by the Gecko engine, and determined by XUL and CSS with custom graphic elements.  The browser is simply another things Gecko renders.  What Windows controls are used is a matter of what Gecko uses, and not specific to Firefox.  The same things will happen in Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Sunbird, Nvu, and anything else written using the Mozilla code, like ActiveState's Komodo IDE.