
reg in find dialog does not work ??

Mast B.
  • Mast B.

    Mast B. - 2008-06-29


    I've tried and loved Notepad++! Reported bugs already and plan to submit more soon as well as suggestions.

    I'm a dev and think of myself as an advanced user too but somehow I can't figure out how to make the regexp in the find dialog work. I'm talking about the native one i.e. ctrl-f, not the TextFX one ctrl-r. I'm pretty familiar with all sorts of RegExp implementations and i've tried several common expressions, simple ones like "function|implements" and it says it doesn't find the text, although it is there (the TextFX one finds it too)! I've tried the expression with and without double quotes, enclosed in slashes, with and without options appended (e.g. /function|implements/i), escaped the regexp chars (i.e. \| instead of just |) ... nothing works.

    I'm sure I'm missing something ... what is it?!?


    p.s. I so wish there was a nice help file for this beautiful proggy instead of just a (pretty summarized) online FAQ/Help :(

    • Mast B.

      Mast B. - 2008-06-29

      sorry, i meant to say "regexp" in the thread title ...

    • Mast B.

      Mast B. - 2008-06-29

      I just tested stuff like "word[a-zA-Z]+" and that works fine. Could it be that notepad++ does *not* support the | regexp character (OR)? Why?!?!

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-06-29

      Scintilla regexp is pretty limited, I believe thats one of the reasons TextFX has it added in.
      Also, Scintilla can only search on a per line basis.
      You'd have to ask the author of Scintilla, but my guyess is that good regexp is hard to add, and maybe even harder in the scintilla implementation.

      • Mast B.

        Mast B. - 2008-06-29

        I haven't taken any look at the np++ source code .. is it that hard to replace the scintilla regexp engine with, for example, the perl one? A powerfull/complete regexp engine is a great asset to any real text editor.

        Also, i was wrong in my previous post: TextFX doesn't support | (OR) either  ... what a shame!