
Script to change colour configuration

  • Alberto Lega

    Alberto Lega - 2008-06-19

    is there any script to change color configuration for all the languaguge at once. I spend a lot of time in front of this editor and I am really annoyed by the white background. I tried to change colours, but I realized I have to make associations for each language.
    Is there a script to automatically change the association for all languages. At least, to change background from white to black and to change the colours which could be not visible with this background for all the langages at once?
    Thank you


    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2008-06-19

      This looked somehow hopeful for you:

      "styleFormatter script"
      By: Airdrik (airdrik) - 2008-01-02 18:15

      However, no-one replied and nothing got posted.

      Perhaps this will be on any help to you:

      Menu_____ : Settings
      Option___ : Styler Configurator...
      Language_ : Global Styles
      Style____ : Global override
      Option___ : Enable global override background color (check this option)

      Perhaps this will result in some inconveniences for some styles or languages.

      You may search the forum for other solutions or comments.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-06-20

      Try this styler:

      all black foreground and white background styles have been set to be semi-transparent, so change the default style and the others will follow.
      Find the original stylers.xml and overwrite it. I removed the Comic Sans font and use Bitstream for default, but thats easily changed.