
Change default directory

Peder Y
  • Peder Y

    Peder Y - 2008-06-04


    Is there any way to change the default directory you get when you want to open a file? The default behaviour with current working directory of the current file is good, but if Notepad++ doesn't know what directory to pick, it resorts to its own directory. It would be nice to be able to set this directory somehow.

    - Peder -

    • Peder Y

      Peder Y - 2008-06-10

      Nope, couldn't find the "Start in" field on my XP. Could you be more specific?

      - Peder -

    • Haibara

      Haibara - 2008-06-10

      On any shortcut (either on the Desktop, or in the Start menu), right-click on it and, in the menu that opens, click "Properties" (should be at the bottom of the menu). 
      That should bring up a Properties window for that shortcut.  If it's not already on the 'Shortcut' tab when the window opens, click on that tab.  The "Start in:" field should be there.

      • Harry

        Harry - 2008-06-10

        Remember that you need to have the "Remember last operation directory" option checked in the Preferences->MISC dialog, otherwise it'll immediately change back to the directory of the current file or Notepad++ directory itself.

    • GeeZuZz

      GeeZuZz - 2008-06-04

      I agree - it's really annoying that it always opens notepad+ directory. It should at least remember last selected directory, but the best would be to have a configurable default directory.

    • Haibara

      Haibara - 2008-06-08

      If you're starting Notepad++ with a shortcut, either on the desktop or in the Start menu, right-click on that shortcut and open its Properties.  There should be a field in one of the tabs that says something like "Start in:" (note: I'm on a Win98 system at the moment, and I'll have to check the XP and Vista systems for their equivalents, but it probably isn't really necessary... I think they're mostly similar).  Change that to whatever directory you prefer.  (Yes, it's not variable, but it's one way of attempting to have Notepad++ start with a different working directory.)