
Stop completing my brackets!

  • Scheda

    Scheda - 2008-06-06

    I have been a very very happy user of Notepad++ for over a year now and love the program. However I just created a development user on my computer to separate all my business and personal things, and now Notepad++ is completing my brackets every time I type the opening bracket out on the new profile. I can see how someone might like it, but I find it frustrating.

    I've been looking through all the menu's and can't see where to disable it.

    Can you help?

    Thanks in advance!!

    • Scheda

      Scheda - 2008-06-06

      Oh yeah. It does this with double quotes too.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-06-07

      You probably have this feature enabled in TextFX. Look into the menu, there is some option to enable and disable it.

      • Scheda

        Scheda - 2008-06-09

        Nope. I have everything disabled in the plugins menu.

        • Greg Bullock

          Greg Bullock - 2008-06-10

          Plugins: ConvertExt...: Options...: Brackets Autocompletion ([{""}])
