
PyDev and HTML or Mako files

  • Jett Gamboa

    Jett Gamboa - 2008-05-22

    Is there a way to customize the extension or Eclipse so that files with a certain extension will be opened by Eclipse' HTML editor? I am using PyDev to develop Pylons applications. I can edit the Python modules just fine (with syntax highlighting and all) and would like to do the same for HTML files.

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-05-22

      For html pages, you'd need a different plugin... some suggestions are: aptana ( has one and amateras (

      You can customize which editor opens which file in window > preferences > general > editors > file associations



    • Jett Gamboa

      Jett Gamboa - 2008-05-23

      Thanks Fabio. (And a lot of thanks for sharing PyDev with community)

      I have another question that's somewhat off-topic. To view my Pylons project, I create a new project and then select the path of the Pylons project (unchecking the create src folder option). When I do this however, I see the existing source files but cannot add new files to the source tree. To allow me to do this to my existing project, I have to open up the .pydevproject file and manually add the following lines:

      <pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
          <path>/[path to root of pylons project]</path>

      Is this really by design?