
[Feature request] Search Replace In Files

  • Khaled Mamdouh

    Khaled Mamdouh - 2008-05-09


    NotePad++ is the perfect editor in the world

    I hope you add this new Feature "Search replace in files" to enable me to search and replace in files in folder including all subfolders like PsPad editor. I hope to find this Feature in the next Notepadd++ version

    Thanks Alot

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think it is wise to see how other programs deal with this. Like JEdit, DreamWeaver and Eclipse.

      I think the best option is:
      - Search and Replace in all not open files
      - Search and Replace in the opened source of the open files

      So that means it would act like the normal search/replace in open files with the addition to change the files 'invisibly' in all not opened files.

      As said by others, it's a drag to use other programs to achieve this. I currently use JEdit to replace in files. Because it is fast and simple (with good regex support) and - unlike Dreamweaver - it works in all file types (that match filter) and not only n files recognized by program.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > As said by others, it's a drag to use other programs to achieve this.

      It is not!

      > I currently use JEdit to replace in files.
      > Because it is fast and simple (with good regex support) and - unlike Dreamweaver - it
      > works in all file types (that match filter) and not only n files recognized by program.

      So what's the problem?

      Next thing that will happen, when this will have been implemented, is that you have a problem with Notepad++'s regex implementation. And so on and so on...

      If you can work and have found something to do it right and easily, it's a gain.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Personnaly, I use the shareware Search and Replace program by Funduc Software.  Works very well and fast.  Has option for 'unattended' operation, prompted each time, prompted only once per file, has file extension filter, etc.  I'm not connected with them in any way, but purchased a license from them at least 10 years ago and have never been sorry.  See them at

    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2008-05-10

      This has been asked a number of times before, even recently.
      You may have missed or skipped this thread by its mysterious title:

      "Features that would make my life easier"

      You will find more requests by using the search functionality in the upper right corner of the page.

      One question is: do you _really_ want Notepad++ to change your files, without even opening them in the editor itself? Would you require undo-functionality?

      You can also use a specific tool to achieve what you ask for.

      "Tools to find and copy regex matches in files"

      You can use Agent Ransack to _find_ all the files matching your criteria, select them all and open them in (possibly a new instance of) Notepad++. You can then replace all occurrences in all files, which will allow you to undo your actions before having overwritten your files.

      You can use Text Crawler to do the replacing all at once, even with creating backups first.

    • Khaled Mamdouh

      Khaled Mamdouh - 2008-05-11

      Yes I want Notepad++ to change my files, without even opening them in the editor , sometimes I need to variable like "$MyName" with "$Name" in all files of my project ot changing command like "str_replace" with "str_ireplace" , I can do that with another editor like PsPad , but I want to use notepad++ without neding to use other editors


      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2008-05-11

        What if this action interferes with files already open in Notepad++?

        When you will make the changes directly on the files, they will be rewritten. What about changes that may have been made to the same files already open in Notepad++? For each changed and already open file, this action would trigger the question whether you want it to be reloaded or not. But you will lose either changes then.

    • Khaled Mamdouh

      Khaled Mamdouh - 2008-05-11

      Yes I want Notepad++ to change my files, without even opening them in the editor , sometimes I need to change variable like "$MyName" with "$Name" in all files of my project or changing command like "str_replace" with "str_ireplace" , I can do that with another editor like PsPad , but I want to use notepad++ without need to use other editors


    • Khaled Mamdouh

      Khaled Mamdouh - 2008-05-11

      That is an option I know how can I use it I can take backup for files before I do search replace in files you can find this option in many other editor like PsPad I open PsPad when I want to do search replace in files then why this option not add to notepad++
