
ComparePlugin - additional diff parameters

  • yuser

    yuser - 2008-05-08

    How one can add additional parameters for ComparePlugin such as case insensitive compare, ignore white spaces etc?
    Now i have Notepad++ 4.9.1 installed with included ComparePlugin.
    Thanks for help.

    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2008-05-08

      > ignore white spaces

      Menu_____ : Plugins
      Submenu__ : Compare
      Options__ : Align Matches _____ adds empty lines in-between
      _________ : Ignore Spacing ____ ignores space characters and tabs
      _________ : Detect Moves ______ checks if different parts perhaps have only moved

      > case insensitive compare

      Apparently, this currently isn't possible.

    • yuser

      yuser - 2008-05-09

      Thanks for an answer.