
For the wishlist ...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Instead of having N++ always start with whatever files were open when it was last closed, it would be nice to have the ability to assign files to named groups and then have the option of having a default group load at startup as well as being able to select a group from a list and have all of that group's files load at once.  Just a thought...  :)

    BTW, love the app!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Wow, it's amazing how many thoughts you can read on these forums!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Does N++ work in Windows Vista 64??

      Please let it be so!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        It may, or may not. And then again, it may or may not work on your specific machine.
        Just try it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You might want to look at sessions. Under File -> Load Session or Save Session. It might meet some of your requirements. Search "session" in forum. I personally don't use sessions.
