
Microsoft & OpenOffice

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have been in a couple situations that needed a microsoft word doc to be opened (.doc) or a OpenOffice Document (.odt)  and I always wind up thinking too bad my Notepad++ can't do it.  Would this be possible?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What exactly do you mean by "a microsoft word doc [] opened [in n++]"?  I take it you don't mean that n++ do the gazillion squared things that words does, but what then.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        As I see it, the OP wants to be able to open .doc/.odt files in Notepad++ and work on them, just like one would in Word/

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Yeah, too bad Notepad++ can't do my dishes.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Possible workflow:

      Open DOC in OOo, save as ODT. Then unzip the odt file (it's a zip archive), and open content.xml in Npp. Then replace content.xml in the zip with the modified one.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think this is way outside of the scope for this project. I think you want this