
Notepad++ 4.9 release (May be UNSTABLE)

Don HO
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  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-04-26

    You will love this version. At least I do.

    Notepad++ v4.9 steals a few of functionalities shamelessly from the other software. For example smart highlight (highlight all same tokens while a word is selected) from Eclipse, Auto-hide menu (toggle by Alt or F10) from IE7 and "Highlight all" in Incremental search from Firefox.

    There're a lot of goodies in this release. Take your time to discover them.

    Notepad++ v4.9 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.8.5) :

    1.  Add smart highlighting feature (double click a word to highlight all the same word in the document).
    2.  Enhance visual effect of Mark all feature.
    3.  Enhance Incremental search dialog docking.
    4.  Enhance Incremental search : add Highlight all feature.
    5.  Add auto-hide menu feature (IE7 style menu - Alt or F10 to toggle)
    6.  Enhance tool bar GUI usability (display a chevron while some tool icons hidden).
    7.  Add style transparency feature, right click on color to enable.
    8.  Fix the files not opening by DnD bug.
    9.  Enhance Find Replace dialog : Add "Extended" option - search (and replace) for tabs(\t), newline(\n\r), and a characters by it's value (\o, \x, \b, \d, \t, \n, \r and \\).
    10. Bug fixed : Find dialog always scrolls text into view now.
    11. Add places bar in save as dialog
    12. Fix non-recognized relative path bug in command line mode (under Dos prompt).
    13. Add 2 messages for doc monitor plugin.

    Included plugins :

    1. TexFX v0.24a
    2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
    3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
    4. MIME Tools v1.4
    5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    6. NppExport v0.2.7.3
    7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
    8. Light Explorer v1.4
    9. Doc Monitor v2.0

    As usual, post here if you find any critical bugs.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Incremental search RULES!
      Highlighting incremental search is even better!!
      Thank you so much, looking forward to it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      panel of some plugins can not be shown, e.g., explorer plugin, function list,...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Litte Bug: Transparency at the Styler Configurator is not updated, when using the slider. Only updated when disable and reenable the Transparency.


      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-30

        > Litte Bug: Transparency at the Styler Configurator is not updated,
        > when using the slider. Only updated when disable and reenable the Transparency.

        It'll be fixed in the v4.9 OR.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Big bug: double click on .txt files with hyperlinks in it. NotePad++ freezes like hell. If you open .txt files without hyperlinks NotePad++ opens fine.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Edit: create a new .txt file and type http://

      It freezes again.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-30

        Yes, it's a critical bug.
        It'll be fixed in the v4.9 OR.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This release is great!! I love it very very much!! Especially all the highlight features!!

      But I don't quite understand what is the following feature for:
      7. Add style transparency feature, right click on color to enable.

      When I right click the color to enable it, the color shows with few slashes. And then, the keywords for that style will turn to black in the textarea.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        The transparent option is most usefull for background colors. What it means is that he background color will be same same color as the default style, as set in global styles. If you set all the background colors for C++ for instance to transparent, if you change the default background color to something other that white, the C++ styles will follow.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Why the Ctrl+Shift+M do not clear the bookmarks, but only clear the highlights, in the previous version, the bookmarks and highlights are all cleared when the short cut is pressed.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-30

        When you do Ctrl+M you don't do the bookmarks, so Ctrl+Shift+M should not clean them.
        This correct behaviour is corrected in v4.9.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          But it's very powerful and convenience for using the bookmark function with the mark all function. After you marked all the words, you can use "F2" & "Shift-F2" to quickly transfer between the marked words!

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            Menu_____ : Search
            Option___ : Clear all Bookmarks

            You can use the shortcut mapper to create a shortcut for this function.

            Menu_____ : Settings
            Option___ : Shortcut Mapper...
            Button___ : Main menu
            Line 49__ : Clear all Bookmarks

            Double click on line 49 and compose your desired shortcut.

            You can even create a macro that does both for you, CTRL+M + the new shortcut, and even change the CTRL+M shortcut so you can use that for the macro. Happy?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can the Incremental search selected options (such as "hightlight all") saved for the next restart?

      When select word using keyboard shortcut, e.g. Ctrl+Shift+arrow or Ctrl+right arrow, the smart highlighting feature also triggered, can it be only triggered by the mouse double click? Since, it will slow down the performance for large documents (I always use Ctrl+Alt+right arrow for looking words, but the new feature slow it down....)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thank you for saying unstable in "     npp.4.9.unstable.Installer.exe  "

      n++ rocks.

    • Bob Uncle

      Bob Uncle - 2008-04-27

      "9. Enhance Find Replace dialog : Add "Extended" option - search (and replace) for tabs(\t), newline(\n\r), and a characters by it's value (\o, \x, \b, \d, \t, \n, \r and \\). "

      For this alone, thank you.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Is this feature, or can it be, also (made) possible for incremental search?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I just started Notepad++ after updating to version 4.9. I first re-placed the Compare Plug-In DLL dated 22-04-2008 instead of the 7-04-2008 version of the installer.

      Notepad++ had opened my last session as expected, but now in each document where a selection was stored, the selection was used for highlighting throughout the document automatically. I don't like this and I don't think Notepad++ should (have).

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-27

        You can disable Smart highlight option via Preference dialog.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Yes, that is the easiest answer.

          But what if I _do_ want to use the feature, but just don't want anything to be highlighted when Notepad++ is started again with a selection in a document restored from a previous session?

          Do you think it should be highlighted??

          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2008-04-27

            > Yes, that is the easiest answer. 
            > But what if I _do_ want to use the feature, but just don't want anything to be highlighted
            > when Notepad++ is started again with a selection in a document restored from a previous session? 

            Then do your version and submit it as patch. I may consider it.


            • Nobody/Anonymous

              That's another easy answer.

              Someone adds functionality to Notepad++ which has an effect on the normal behavior, without even using this new functionality. When I report that, _I_ have to fix that???

              • Don HO

                Don HO - 2008-04-28

                > Someone adds functionality to Notepad++ which has an effect on the normal behavior,
                > without even using this new functionality. When I report that, _I_ have to fix that???

                No, you don't have to.

                Here's your options :
                1. turn off this feature.
                2. change its behaviour as you like, then submit it - I may consider it.
                3. use another text editor.

                My reply is just to inform you that I won't work on it.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you for this new release!

      > 1. Add smart highlighting feature (double click a word to highlight all the same word in the document).

      Double click a word you see multiple in a document --> F3 resp. shift+F3 won't work then.
      Crtl+f same very word, esc from dialog, F3 resp. shift+F3 works.
      Small bug.

      In this version 'FunctionList.dll' (v 1.2) won't work, that .dll is just fine in 4.85.

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