
Notepad++ 4.8.5 Official Release

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-04-11

    Here you can download v4.8.5 OR :

    In this version some crash bugs are fixed, and 2 included plugins are enhanced : Doc monitor and MIME Tools.
    Doc monitor plugin allows user to keep opened documents update silently, by scrolling at the end of document automatically. It's done for visualizing the log file.
    In MIME Tools plugin, the old base64 encoding/decoding functions are kept, the new quoted-printable encoding/decoding functions are added.

    Notepad++ v4.8.5 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.8.2) :

    1. Fix crash bug while a "New 2" is in session.xml.
    2. Fix the Drag N Drop text bug between 2 views.
    3. Fix the annoying acrobat reader dialog problem.
    4. Fix the bug that the first new document encoding is not set as the setting in "New Document settings".
    5. Fix crash bug while running the command "Close All But Me" in some context.
    6. Add scroll to end line feature after document reloading from disk.
    7. Enhance checking modification from outside feature.

    Included plugins :

    1. TexFX v0.24a
    2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
    3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
    4. MIME Tools v1.4
    5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    6. NppExport v0.2.7.3
    7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
    8. Light Explorer v1.4
    9. Doc Monitor v2.0

    The auto-update will be triggered in one week, if this version is stable (for vista, you have trigger it manually).


    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2008-04-12

      With Notepad++ v4.8.5 it is not possible to specify a Display Position in the Find dialog if Direction "Up" is selected. Is this on purpose? When using SHIFT+F3 found matches seem to be displayed on the top line consistently, if the line wasn't already visible.

      The display positions for the downward search direction, however, do not always seem to be respected.

      Does this have something to do with the problems reported before?

      "Find Display Position bug"

      By the way, the forum search function will not find this message when searching for the word "bug" (without quotation marks, needed here to demonstrate the effect) because it doesn't appear "on its own", as a really separate word. This is quite annoying! I would expect the search functionality to look for all occurrences of the word, regardless of it being preceded or followed by whatever non-alphanumeric character.

      Try a search for "middle".
      Try a search for "middle," now.

      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2008-04-13

        > Try a search for "middle".
        > Try a search for "middle," now.

        This doesn't seem to make any difference. Anyway, the thing is I can't find any message by applying "middle+position" as search term, although you will find them in the messages in the thread mentioned above. How come?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Feature request:
      Mouse wheel over tab bar to cycle through open file tabs.

      Great software. I love it.  I'm a long time ultraedit user and switched.

      • Fool4UAnyway

        Fool4UAnyway - 2008-04-12


        1. Check if the same or a similar request has already been posted before entering it yourself,
        2. Do not abuse release threads with (new) feature requests, but only to report (new) bugs concerning the specific release.

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Hi Fool4UAnyway,

          Please try to be more encouraging and less critical to new users. Expressions like "abuse release threads" etc. are too strong.

          Or at least acknowledge the enthusiasm and interest of the poster -- who has just switched to Npp -- before politely giving constructive -- not criticism -- but advice.

          Best wishes

          • Fool4UAnyway

            Fool4UAnyway - 2008-04-12

            C'mon, I started with "please"! (:s

    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2008-04-12

      > 7. Compare plugin v1.5.1

      Why is the Compare Plugin DLL not the one that was released?
      The version included in the OR has a very recent timestamp.
      Was there any need to recompile this one??

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-12

        > Why is the Compare Plugin DLL not the one that was released?
        > The version included in the OR has a very recent timestamp.

        I took the one that author sent me.

        Ty, could you confirm me the version of Compare plugin comes with v4.8.5 OR is the correct one?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm not sure if the document monitor works as intended. When I choose "stop monitoring" from the menu, the silent updating is still active for me. Potentially very dangerous.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-04-13

        When the Document Monitor is triggered, it will enable "Update Silently" option and "Scroll to end line" option by default (you can change these options by modifying docMonitor.ini). However, if DocMonitor is stopped, the enabled options are still enabled. I have no solution (simple) yet.
