
Notepad++ on windows login

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I hesitated switching to Notepad++ for some time, but eventually the feature to format text for programming and scripts won me over EditPad, my previous choice.

    Anyway, I am enjoying text files in a whole new way now, but there is one nuisance that I have noticed. Even at that, I have only seen this happen on my home PC!

    When I login to Windows XP, (any of my accounts), Notepad++ loads maximized with whatever documents I was working on last. This is annoying to have to close/minimize after every login. I'm not sure why it's behaving this way. I have checked every path in the registry where programs startup, and it's not in the Startup folder either. I have always been somewhat an expert in troubleshooting programs that startup, actually (one way I have become so effective at removing spyware).

    However, I see no traces of why the program would load. Yet it does, and has become a nuisance for me and my fiance.

    I have looked all over for options that control Notepad++ starting up, but there don't appear to be any. I realize this is more likely a Windows issue than anything, but I really need some help here and don't know where else to look. I plan to support the program for some time, but I just want it to open when I decide to open a file! Not to load maximized and stare me in the face with a blank text document everytime I login. (more frequently than it once was now that I share the computer)

    How could it be getting loaded everytime? I thought maybe a text file was being set to run at startup, but the program never loads a suspicious or unusual file. It opens just as it would if I launched it on my own.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Such a long message for a small issue which is "Notepad++ seems to run everytime I login on any profile"

      Well, I can imagine something has associated itself with Notepad++ which is being launched (Not wanted).  My tip is to rename "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" to something else, and run CCleaner to determin Invalid Registry settings (pointing to notepad++.exe that now doesnt exist) DO NOT clean it using CCleaner.  Just use it for reference in finding what is opening Notepad++.exe that shouldn't be  (Rename it back after!!!)

      Ai-a on Undernet

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I will look into doing this, thanks. It seems promising...

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2008-03-14

      > When I login to Windows XP, (any of my accounts),
      > Notepad++ loads maximized with whatever documents I was working on last.

      I guess you're talking about cpu time?
      Well, it may be the plugins issue.

      Just remove one by one your plugins, which are located in "plugins" folder of your Notepad++ installed folder.
      Each time you restart your Notepad++ after removing one plugin, until that you cpu time is not overloaded.

      Please let me know which plugin causes this problem.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I was actually referring to it showing a maximized window. (as if a shortcut were being loaded with the window settings as Maximized)

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Perhaps it is better to start with no plugins at all and move them back one by one to the right plugin folder.

        This doesn't require experiencing the problem until it doesn't happen any longer, but works the other way around, which may be faster or at least less frustrating.