
New release 4.8.2 - unicode input fixed

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-03-09

    Please download newest release 4.8.2 here :

    This release contains several bugs fixed of v4.8.1, especially the unicode input bug , thanks to Harry B.

    In the version 4.8.2, the HexEditor plugin is removed by installer due to its incomparability with the updated Scintilla component (v1.75). However, if you don't use non-western characters unicode input, you can get it here :

    Notepad++ v4.8.2 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.8.1) :

    1.  Fix unicode input problem for non-western language.
    2.  Add the capacity (behaviour) of keeping line highlighting even when Notepad++ loss its focus.
    3.  Fix missing fonts problem in font list of Stylers configurator.
    4.  Fix the hot key problem : make Alt+f+s work again.
    5.  Fix the hardware problem : make keyboard commands (such as "e-mail", "calculator",
    "sound", ...) works again.

    Notepad++ v4.8.1 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.7.5) :

    1.  Enhance Shortcut Mapper - all the commands (including plugins commands) can be assigned to a shortcut, even for the unmapped ones.
    2.  Upgrade Scintilla from v1.73 to v1.75
    3.  Add multi-line and vertical capacity for tab bar.
    4.  Add launch "as notepad" style feature (detection of asNotepad.xml, then launch notepad++ with -multiInst -nosession -notabbar options).
    5.  Add detection mouse wheel on the different view feature : User can scroll edit view when mouse on it, it's not necessary to set edit view as current view to scroll it.
    6.  Add clicking middle mouse button click to set current view feature : make clicked edit view be focused, but the cursor position does not change.
    7.  Add mouse wheel horizontal scroll feature (vista only).
    8.  Add mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature.
    9.  Make orange indicator on the top of tab lighter when the view loss the focus.
    10. Add new look and feel of Docking container.
    11. Fix word-completion crash bug while the word to complete exceeds 256 characters.
    12. Fix full screen mode bug : can not switch applications by using Alt+TAB in full screen mode.
    13. Fix Preference crash bug.
    14. Add the utf8->ansi / ansi->utf8 conversion feature.
    15. Add Go to offset feature (in Go To Line dialog).
    16. Fix folding bugs while deleting the begin/end folding keywords.
    17. Fix position restored bug : Wrap position is restored correctly while switching back document.
    18. Fix locking current directory behaviour : Restore Notepad++ directory as working directory with no open files.
    19. Fix the multi-line tab height display problem while adding/removing the document.
    20. Enhance the auto-completion feature : user can define the number of characters to trigger auto-completion popup window.
    21. Change the horizontal scroll behaviour from dynamic one to static one.
    22. Fix the bug that cannot save file(s) if application closed while minimized.

    Included plugins (in v4.8.2):

    1. TexFX v0.24a
    2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
    3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
    4. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
    5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    6. NppExport v0.2.7.3
    7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
    8. Light Explorer v1.4


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Don,
      it seems that inputting Japanese characters still doesn't work in version 4.8.2.
      Thank in advance for your great work and your feedback,

    • Oren Farhi

      Oren Farhi - 2008-03-09

      hi Don.
      first - thanks for this great software.
      Hebrew (unicode) input isn't fixed with this version for me...
      does this version suppose to support hebrew/rtl languages as it states on the bug fix - unicode input fixed?

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-03-09

        Normally, you can key-in in Hebrew if the document is set as Unicode encoding.
        Remove all your plugins then try again. It should work since I have a confirmation of bug fixed from a Hebrew user :


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is it just me, or is the Color Selector (in the Style Configurator) not working in this build? I haven't used it in a while, but now I can't enter more than 2 digits into each of the Red, Green, Blue, Hue, Sat, and Lum fields.

      They should all be able to take 3 digits. Can anyone else confirm this?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Arent you running any applications that may conflict with this, afaik its a standard windows control (the same as used in MSPaint for example).
        If all fails, try safemode :)

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I'm using Vista, and the last time it worked was when I was on XP. The color selector doesn't work in Paint either. I guess it's Microsoft's shoddy programming.

          Do you know the technical name (i.e. the name in MSDN) of the control so I can search for a fix?

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            Look for the
            function. Doesnt seem to describe any changes for Vista, are you sure it isnt a font problem and the controls are too small to display all 3 numbers?
            Select the white color and see what values you get

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i've trouble russian chars input in this release!!! i wrote about this bug already.
      i think, 'cause SciLexer.dll v1.75 not fixed and added in this release too.
      now i use SciLexer.dll v1.73 and haven't this trouble.

      Oleg aka Arise

    • Oren Farhi

      Oren Farhi - 2008-03-09

      well - i've found out the the multiclipboard plugin is messing up notepad++ with unicode input text....
      thanks don.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How can i use mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature?
      Or is it for Vista only?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        You should set the browser forward/backward buttons on your mouse, they should work if they work in your browser aswell :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > 7. Compare plugin v1.5.1

      The packed Compare Plug-In is dated 2008-02-20, while my current version, also 1.5.1, was dated 2008-02-22. How come?

    • Cthulhux

      Cthulhux - 2008-03-10


      in this N++ version I can't convert uppercase umlauts to lowercase umlauts anymore. They disappear.
      ("ÄRGER" -> "rger", "Weiß" -> "wei", ...)

      Windows XP SP2.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What is the minimum to update N++, that i need for the new version 4.8.2 and dont loose my config?
      From the zip-version N++ 4.8.2.
      Thanks for your Answer!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Use installer not zip.