
Message box after search

  • Damon

    Damon - 2008-03-03

    Do we really need a modal message box after each search/replace?
    I understand that it's an old UI approach, but wouldn't it be
    better to use like a balloon or even statusbar text to indicate
    this message, cuz there is really nothing for the user to interfere
    with upon seeing this message?

    Anyone share the same opinion?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah, I'm glad somebody feels the same way as I do. I think this should take only a little work to change.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        And I ask not to change this behavior at all. These messages trigger me, so it doesn't help me at all if they appear somewhere I am not looking, not drawing attention to them at all and not forcing me to do something to avoid not processing the information.

    • Alexander Iljin

      Alexander Iljin - 2008-03-03

      I usually support modality reduction in UI, but I don't see your point.

      The find/replace dialog is not modal, you can switch away from it and edit text without closing it.
      If you don't want to see the dialog while you search, you may perform the first search, close the dialog and use F3/Shift+F3 to repeat the search. The volatile (Ctrl+F3/Ctrl+Shift+F3) and incremental search (Ctrl+Alt+I) require no dialogs at all.

    • Alexander Iljin

      Alexander Iljin - 2008-03-03

      kakyo, if you were talking about the box that says "N tokens are replaced." with the single "OK" button, then I could not agree more. This is a very useless dialog, I'd much rather prefer seeing that report in the status bar.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I'd rather be explicitly warned about this, because the number of found occurrences may matter. A note on the statusbar will vanish when something else is displayed there.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      MessageBox is really annoying and ugly. I think the best way to indicate that there are no occurences or N lines has changed is to use toolbar (that's the topicstarter suggestion). The Edit Plus Find/Replace is good example of such approach

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I meant status bar, not toolbar of course