
Notepad++ v4.8 official release

Don HO
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  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-02-27

    For those ones who don't want to wait for auto-upgrading their Notepad++ by Auto-updater,
    you can download Notepad++ v4.8 OR here now :

    The auto-updater will be triggered in 7 days if there's no critical problem.

    I want to mention those who did coding contributions for this release : Harry B. for his enhancement of shortcut mapper (you'll love it), Kyle Fleming for his updating to scintilla 1.75 and the new mouse wheel/commands feature, nethenm for his multi-line and vertical tab options, and Jens Lorenz for his new look and feel of docking manager.

    Please check Notepad++ v4.8 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.7.5) for the detail informations :

    1.  Enhance Shortcut Mapper - all the commands (including plugins commands) can be assigned to a shortcut, even for the unmapped ones.
    2.  Upgrade Scintilla from v1.73 to v1.75
    3.  Add multi-line and vertical capacity for tab bar.
    4.  Add launch "as notepad" style feature (detection of asNotepad.xml, then launch notepad++ with -multiInst -nosession -notabbar options).
    5.  Add detection mouse wheel on the different view feature : User can scroll edit view when mouse on it, it's not necessary to set edit view as current view to scroll it.
    6.  Add clicking middle mouse button click to set current view feature : make clicked edit view be focused, but the cursor position does not change.
    7.  Add mouse wheel horizontal scroll feature (vista only).
    8.  Add mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature.
    9.  Make orange indicator on the top of tab lighter when the view loss the focus.
    10. Add new look and feel of Docking container.
    11. Fix word-completion crash bug while the word to complete exceeds 256 characters.
    12. Fix full screen mode bug : can not switch applications by using Alt+TAB in full screen mode.
    13. Fix Preference crash bug.
    14. Add the utf8->ansi / ansi->utf8 conversion feature.
    15. Add Go to offset feature (in Go To Line dialog).
    16. Fix folding bugs while deleting the begin/end folding keywords.
    17. Fix position restored bug : Wrap position is restored correctly while switching back document.
    18. Fix locking current directory behaviour : Restore Notepad++ directory as working directory with no open files.
    19. Enhance the auto-completion feature : user can define the number of characters to trigger auto-completion popup window.
    20. Change the horizontal scroll behaviour from dynamic one to static one.
    21. Fix the bug that cannot save file(s) if application closed while minimized.

    Included plugins :

    1. TexFX v0.24a
    2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
    3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
    4. Explorer plugin v1.7.1
    5. Hex editor v0.84
    6. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
    7. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
    8. NppExport v0.2.7
    9. Compare plugin v1.5.1

    Have a good time with Notepad++


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You can also download v4.8 from, for there's no .exe-file in sourceforge's download section.

    • Alexander Iljin

      Alexander Iljin - 2008-02-27

      Shortcut mapper -> Scintilla commands -> Name column: row 42 == row 46 == "SCI_WORDRIGHTEXTEND"
      I believe row 46 should contain "SCI_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND" instead.

      PS: Just noticed while writing this that when the Shortcut mapper window is displayed, Notepad++ at some point disappears from the Alt-Tab list (after a couple of Alt-Tab switches). WinXP Pro SP2.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Please NOTE:

      Use the latest version of Explorer v1.7.2. There is a neccessary bug fix. Filtering can cause a crash in Don's released version.

      Best Regards

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-02-27

        I confirm that the version of Explorer include in v4.8 is v1.7.2.

        I will update this info in change log.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks, but I'll wait for v4.8.1 tomorrow... ;-)

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Oh yes, that's perhaps necessary, sloppy bugfixing is in NPP always a special matter. At first they remove a view of the old ones, and than they produce a bunch of new bugs to make NPP a bit more interesting for the plugin programmers. That's a really good method to keep them busy!

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2008-02-28

          I just don't see your point.

          But I can tell you that doing a public release is not a easy job since the users' configurations are different.
          If you have a better method, then please let me know.


    • Sworddragon

      Sworddragon - 2008-02-27

      The 2 bugs i have reportet the last time are in this version too. Maybe you have forgot them, because the post is deleted. And i found 2 new bugs.

      1. The foldering is not completely fixed. Set the language to HTML and write in the first line "<html>", make a line break, delete the empty line and make a new line break again.

      2. If i'm trying to write a lot of in a new document, Notepad++ crashes.

      3. If i'm srolling on any position of the document with the horizontal scrollbar and then i'm switching to another document and switching back, the scrollbar hasn't note the old position and is at the beginning of the document.

      4. If i'm searhing a word, which is in left of the scrollbar, the word is hidden under the lineblock.
      If i'm scrolling to left, i can see the marked word.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well. I actually needed the convert function yesterday but didn't find the new release until today.
      A problem/bug though. Converting back and forth crashes my notepad++ (on vista).

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-02-27

        > A problem/bug though. Converting back and forth crashes my notepad++ (on vista).

        Could you give me the detail to reproduce the crash?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That link only shows the .md5 file, not the program files.  Please update the release files.  Thanks.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can Background color of "Brace highlight style" be an option in 4.8?
      I use Notepad++ for PHP. In the previous version of Notepad++, the Background color of Brace highlight is not shown. But the 4.8 version, it shows will a white background.

    • ScorpAL

      ScorpAL - 2008-02-28

      After install 4.8 version my CTRL+INS and SHIFT+INS short keys rearranged without confirmation.
      The second trouble that I can't write any more in russian in NPP++ :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      When finding in all opened documents, all cursors goes to the start of every document, this is very annoying.
      Also, double clicking on search results doesn't work properly, the cursor suddenly stops going to correct line (it only works 3 or 4 times, and then goes anywhere, but always to the same line).

      Also, pressing backspace while pressing shift writes a strange character. This doesn't happen in 4.7.5.

    • Alexander Iljin

      Alexander Iljin - 2008-02-28

      I confirm the problem with Cyrillics: typing anything in Russian keyboard layout results in English characters and digits being inserted. When I open a file with Russian text (single-byte characters, win1251 encoding) it is displayed correctly, so the problem only appears when typing in new text.

      If I restore the SciLexer.dll v.1.7.3, everyting works as it should.

    • MunteAlb

      MunteAlb - 2008-02-28

      I can confirm what Alexander Iljin said, but this time for the romanian language, which uses the latin alphabet. In NP++ 4.8 it is impossible to use the romanian layout with five diacritics (ĂÂÎŞŢ), those are not displayed and it's the first time when this happens. Using an older version of SciLexer.dll restores the functionality to write the romanian special charcaters.

    • M. B. Huffman

      M. B. Huffman - 2008-03-01

      I notice that the "A" hot key associated with "Save As..." on the File menu has gone missing. Since "A" does not associate with anything else on the File Menu, I assume this may not be intentional. At least I would hope not, since the keyboard combination of Alt+F, S is so common on Windows applications.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      NPP 4.8 cannot write em dash / alt+0150 / –

    • Knut A. Wikström

      For some weird reason, the download doesn't appear in BIN (only SRC). Is in not released as binary yet, or what?

      • Haibara

        Haibara - 2008-03-01

        There's been a few bugs with the release, so it's been pulled pending a fix, which should (hopefully) be up within the next few days.  See .

        I think the entire 4.8 section's been removed from the SF download directory for the time being, anyway.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      With the release of 4.7 and how there was a problem with the merging of the code, I think it didn't get totally fixed until the 5th sub-release of 4.7, and how now 4.8 is going, I have my doubts about the quality of Notepad++.  Let me state, that I'm a big fan of Notepad++, but with 4.7 and 4.8, I'm starting to doubt the new releases.  Why are there major problems with these releases, especially with 4.8?  I saw in a post when 4.8 was in the RC phase, that people posted problems with that, but yet 4.8 got "officially" released while being pulled off the shelf because of major problems.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-03-03

        > With the release of 4.7 and how there was a problem with the merging of the code,
        > I think it didn't get totally fixed until the 5th sub-release of 4.7,
        > and how now 4.8 is going, I have my doubts about the quality of Notepad++.

        You still use Notepad++, don't you?

        > Let me state, that I'm a big fan of Notepad++, but with 4.7 and 4.8,
        > I'm starting to doubt the new releases.
        > Why are there major problems with these releases, especially with 4.8?

        v4.8 (and upper version) included a lot of new features contributed by different developers.
        Those new insert features (code) can bring the new bugs or instability issue for the current state.

        > I saw in a post when 4.8 was in the RC phase, that people posted problems with that,
        > but yet 4.8 got "officially" released while being pulled off the shelf because of major problems.

        Because in RC phase the binary is not tested so intensively.
        In v4.8, the critical issue is blue screen/ reboot - it was not detected in RC.

        In 2 words, the RC version can only be tested by a very small community (in sourceforge),
        whereas OR is tested by public.

        If you have the better procedure/method, please let me know.


        • o_z

          o_z - 2008-03-03

          Hi Don,

          First, I'd like to thank you and all the other developers of N++ for all you hard work. It's much appreciated!

          I've seen a lot of other open source projects with a release cycle that includes a stable version and an experimental/unstable/cutting edge version. The stable version only gets bug fixes and minor features, whereas the unstable version receives all the new and advanced features. When the unstable is tested enough and seems to be stable enough it turns into the stable branch and a new unstable branch is created.
          Seeing the issues with the last 2 releases, and given that N++ attracts more developers (meaning more code to integrate and test the integration of), it seems logic to me to switch to a release cycle like the one I described.
          Granted, I'm no programmer (not a serious one, anyway), and there might be issues with this method, but something along those lines seems inevitable at this point if you wish to keep a quality product as it has been so far, while still adding new feature and without alienating your user base.

          Just my 2 cents.


          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2008-03-03

            Finally a constructive suggestion instead of useless complains and whining :)

            > I've seen a lot of other open source projects with a release cycle that includes a stable version
            > and an experimental/unstable/cutting edge version. The stable version only gets bug fixes and minor features,
            > whereas the unstable version receives all the new and advanced features.
            > When the unstable is tested enough and seems to be stable enough it turns into the stable branch
            > and a new unstable branch is created.

            Yes, it seems a better approache for me.
            However, it demands more effort to maintain the different branches.
            I'll consider it.


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