
Simple Script 1.12 released - fixed docking

  • fidvo

    fidvo - 2008-02-20

    The Simple Script plugin now has the docking issue fixed.

    Previously, undocking the form would cause Notepad++ to lock up.  Now the problem is fixed.

    I recommend that anyone who has downloaded any previous version of Simple Script immediately download this new one in order to fix the fairly serious bug.

    A special thanks to Zobo, who did all of the hard work in tracking down and fixing the problem.

    • fidvo

      fidvo - 2008-02-21


      Now I see what the problem was.  I should have paid more attention to the above comments.  The Close button doesn't work.  The "x" button does.

      Easy solution.  I just removed the Close button.  It's just taking up space anyway.  If you want to close the plugin, click the "x".  If it's docked with other plugins and you don't want to close the others, middle-click on the Simple Script tab.

      This should fix the immediate problems.  The other issues reported about the problems on the Simple Script tab when docked with other plugins will have to wait until I can design an icon for it.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        You might as well remove the Run button then, if you are so into easy solutions...

        Why remove a button that has a clear meaning and is much more common to press than a "desastrous" X that is there on any form?

        • Damjan Cvetko

          Damjan Cvetko - 2008-02-21

          You can call self.Hide in stead of self.Close.

        • fidvo

          fidvo - 2008-02-21

          Why remove a button that has a clear meaning and is much more common to press than a "desastrous" X that is there on any form?

          1) Explorer plugin doesn't have a Close button.  Light Explorer plugin doesn't have a Close button.  Function List plugin doesn't have a close button.  DBGP plugin doesn't have a close button.  These are all the plugins with docking forms that I could think of.  Having a close button is not so common.

          2) The Close button was left over from when the Script Writer was a modal form, where it makes much more sense.

          3) The Close button duplicated functionality that was already there.

          4) I needed a quick solution because there was a much more serious problem that needed to be fixed right away.

          5) Zobo: I tried both Hide and Close, and they both did the same thing.  I didn't try prefixing them with "self." but unless I'm mistaken, that should be optional.  That's probably the main reason why I removed it, because I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

          That said, if it's really that important to people, I don't mind adding it back if I can get it to actually work.

          If you would like to continue this discussion, please post in the thread for the newer version:

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            The Script Writer is clearly a form, with other buttons on it. That's enough to include a standard Close button.

            Why can I switch off my cell phone by pressing a key, if I can also remove the battery?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Downloaded Simple Script Plug-In 1.12.
      Opened the docked Script Writer in Notepad++.
      Undocked it.
      Clicked the Close button.

      The form now is _cleared_.
      It's surface is just a plain gray area now.
      The form is not closed (nor hidden).

      Clicking on the right upper corner X does the trick.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I had the same gray area (also in 1.11)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It is still a bit buggy.

      No possibility to close the plugin.
      In explorer pluging there is a "v" sign in the plugin menu.
      Clicking again the plugin is disabled.

      Why don't you do the same with the simple script plugin?

      There are also problems in the plugin tabs:
      - the name of the plugin is not readable on the tab. what I can read is "imple Script"
      - if the simple script tab is not active, the simple script tab is empty, no icon
      - the simple script tab is taking almost the whole width of the plugin tab bar.

      why don't you put only an "S" inside the tab (active and not active).

      The menu with the various functions (changing case, clipboard functions, loading and saving files etc) is too small. I cannot work in it on my screen.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      oeps forgotten:

      the close botton leaves a gray area and when clicking the other plugin tab back to the simplescript tab, the simple script plugin is open again.

    • fidvo

      fidvo - 2008-02-20

      I see what happened.  Judging by the time stamp on the .dll, I must have uploaded the wrong one.  The working version is on my computer at work, so it will be a few hours before I get the correct one uploaded.


      • fidvo

        fidvo - 2008-02-20

        Actually, looking at the timestamps on the source code too, maybe I didn't upload the wrong one after all.

        I just downloaded version 1.12 from SourceForge and copied the .dll into my plugins folder to make sure I'm using the same one as everyone else.  I'm not seeing the same problems that are being reported.  Everything seems to work just fine for me.

        Those who are getting the problem with it not closing properly or locking up, could you tell me what version of Notepad++ you're using (including whether you downloaded the installer or the .zip file)?

        I'm using 4.7.5 without the installer.  Anyone using the same version and still getting the problems?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        It says so:

        "Simple Script Plugin for Notepad++
        Version 1.11"

        • fidvo

          fidvo - 2008-02-20

          That was just a small mistake.  I forgot to change the version number on the About screen.  That shouldn't affect the operation of the plugin though.

    • fidvo

      fidvo - 2008-02-21

      Anyone else getting the same problem as reported above?  I still can't reproduce it.

      I'm planning to put out a fix for another fairly serious bug this afternoon.  Can you believe I disabled the "Run" button?

      I'd rather fix the other problems too while I'm at it, but I need to be able to reproduce them first, so if someone having the problem could tell me what version of Notepad++ they're using, including whether they used the installer or just the zip file, I would really appreciate it.