
Current Folder

  • David Artiss

    David Artiss - 2007-11-15

    Is there an easy way to get N++ to remember the folder you are working in? Whenever I try to create a new file or open an existing one, it default to the N++ installation folder.

    If I use Explorer Lite plugin, then I can open using that, but it doesn't resolve the issue of new files.

    I've tried playing with various settings in the preferences, but am still stuck. Any suggestions?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Preference - Preferences - "Remember the last operation directory"

      • David Artiss

        David Artiss - 2007-11-15

        Yep. Got that ticked. Still doesn't work - well it does if I use the folder in that particular session. But if I close Notepad down and start it again, it defaults back to the install directory again.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          You must deselect it!

          If you deselect Preference - Preferences - "Remember the last operation directory" than Notepad++ will, in oposit, remember the last directory!

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            I don't think this will help. In fact, I don't think there is any solution for this problem when starting Notepad++ without any files (from a previous session) opened.

            Well, you could try setting the "Start in" folder of the Notepad++ shortcut, but I'm not so sure Notepad++ itself will like that very much.

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              "Well, you could try setting the "Start in" folder of the Notepad++ shortcut, but I'm not so sure Notepad++ itself will like that very much."

              This is what I do and it works perfectly.

    • dkbrklyn

      dkbrklyn - 2008-02-17

      As someone else suggested last month, UN-checking

      Settings | Preferences | Global Tab | [] Remember the last operation directory

      gets it working right when you leave a saved file or two in the editor between sessions.

      Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it to default to "Normal Text, UTF-8 without BOM" when "Saving As" (works for "new" files, but setting gets lost somehow when you "open" them again).