
Debugger Asks for Source File Name Each Step

  • Kenneth Evans

    Kenneth Evans - 2008-02-17

    I have multiple copies of source files in my project.  (The reason is that install directories are created.)  When debugging, PyDev notices this and brings up a dialog asking to choose which source (.py) file.  So far, so good.

    The problem is that it does this each and every step, step-into, etc.  This rapidly becomes annoying and interferes with the debugging process (especially the part where I'm trying to think).  It seems like it could remember your choice.

    The Java debugger does remember your choice, not only for the file name, but for the containing directory (so you don't have to respond every time you step into a new source file).  Moreover, there are places to set the source file location, so it never has to prompt.


    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-02-17

      Hi Kenneth,

      Can you please enter that as a feature request? I'm currently doing some changes in the debugger so that it's easy to translate the paths when doing a remote debugging with a different structure in the server, so, that's something that is probably worth doing together.

      > I have multiple copies of source files in my project.  (The reason is that install
      > directories are created.)  When debugging, PyDev notices this and brings up
      > a dialog asking to choose which source (.py) file.  So far, so good.

      Can you explain better how is that structure? (With a brief example if possible)

      > The Java debugger does remember your choice, not only for the file name, but
      > for the containing directory (so you don't have to respond every time you step
      > into a new source file).  Moreover, there are places to set the source file
      > location, so it never has to prompt.

      I think that should work as you explain... where exactly can you configure the source file location in JDT to prevent the prompting?



      p.s. Please answer my questions in the feature request directly.

      • Kenneth Evans

        Kenneth Evans - 2008-02-24


        I responded to the email I got, but I see it never got here.  I attached a screen dump, but I assume that won't work here. This is the text I sent:

        >> Can you explain better how is that structure? (With a brief example if

        I can send you the project.  There is a bin directory and a build directory
        with different platforms.  They seem to be essentially the results of --install type things.  There may be a better way to do it, but it
        isn't my code.

        In JDT, the place I know to set the source is in the properties for JAR
        files.  (Right-click a JAR and do Properties.)  If it can't find the source
        during debugging, you get a dialog to specify the path to the particular
        file.  It then tends to get other, related files by itself.  It tends to
        remember after restarting Eclipse, as well.

        Attached is a screen dump of what happens when you get to this situation in
        CDT.  (It just happened to me today ;-)  As with JDT, it didn't prompt me
        for any more files after that.  (Hope this get through any size limitations,
        otherwise advise me how to send graphics. ;-)

        >> Can you please enter that as a feature request?

        Sure.  How do I go about doing that?

        • Fabio Zadrozny

          Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-02-24

          Please add a request at: (please attach the project and the screen dump).

