
Your preferred style?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    What is your preferred style when programming? Black background, dark grey, white maybe? What font? What colours?
    Share your preferred style :)

    If you really feel up to it, why not include a link to the style XML file itself? Or even a screenshot?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I liked the look of textmate on the railcasts, and found the 'Anonymous' font after some digging.

      Color wise, I did something similar to the "vibrant ink" theme in textmate.

      Looks similar to:
      But the colors are not quite as bright.

      I used to think this stuff was frivolous, but these days I enjoy loving my work environment.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can't you make up your own mind??

      • fidvo

        fidvo - 2008-02-15

        Be nice.  This is the "Open Discussion" forum after all, and the original post is asking for an open discussion on styles.  Sounds like a legitimate question to me.  He's probably just curious, and there's nothing wrong with that.

        To answer the original question, I prefer black on white.  Courier New for the font, but any fixed-length font is fine with me.  Pretty much the default Notepad++ settings.