
Extended Icons

  • dmeyer

    dmeyer - 2008-02-13

    Is it possible to get the object adornments (error and warning) in the navigator and/or pydev package explorer view ?

    Ciao, Derk

    • Fabio Zadrozny

      Fabio Zadrozny - 2008-02-13

      Not currently.

      The main reason why this isn't implemented is that pydev does not manage dependencies.

      E.g.: module a imports from module b (which still does not exist), so, after you go and create module b it won't see that module a had a dependency on that and should be analyzed (so, the tree will still show that error until you open that file -- which would trigger an analysis -- or until you do a full rebuild).

      So, in that scenario it'd still be useful if you went on and made that management yourself (requesting those files to be analyzed), but not as useful as it'd be in JDT (which manages those dependencies). I'm not sure this will be implemented by pydev at some time because it can get really hard to make that analysis (and could make some things much slower).

      Still, you can add it as a feature request if you'd like it.

