
Simple Script 1.10 released

  • fidvo

    fidvo - 2008-01-25

    Okay, since I actually broke the function that I was supposed to fix in version 1.09, I fixed it and hurriedly threw together most of the functions that I had planned for the 1.10 version.

    Even though I haven't quite finished all the functions I had hoped, I'm calling this new version 1.10, and I've uploaded it to the usual spot.

    The following functions were added:

    AppendFront: adds text to the front of the document.
    AppendBack: adds text to the end of the document.
    ConformToTag: like Conform, but only looks at the part of the lines before the delimiter.
    ConformFromTag: like Conform, but only looks at the part of the lines after the delimiter.
    IncrementToTag: like Increment, but only looks at the part of the lines before the delimiter.
    IncrementFromTag: like Increment, but only looks at the part of the lines after the delimiter.
    TransformDelim: Runs a series of Find-Replaces based upon 2 delimited lists.

    Now I get to start working on variables.  I hope to have them finished in a couple of weeks.

    One note:  I'm still hoping someone fixes the issue with docking forms in Delphi-based plugins, so Simple Script is still dockable.  If you undock it, it will freeze up.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi fidvo

      Two possible improvements for your great plugin:

      1. Other plugins use plugin/Config/ to store their INI file
      Could you change your search path to plugin/Config/SimpleScript.ini ?

      2. Is it possible to generate submenus from the defined "[group]" parts of SimpleScript.ini for a faster access to the scripts?

      Nevertheless thanks for your work,

      • fidvo

        fidvo - 2008-02-05

        1. Other plugins use plugin/Config/ to store their INI file

        I plan to move it there eventually.  I just haven't done it yet because other features have taken priority, plus I have to come up with a plan to deal with backward-compatibility.

        2. Is it possible to generate submenus from the defined "[group]" parts of SimpleScript.ini for a faster access to the scripts?

        Are you talking about actual submenus in the Notepad++ menu structure?  That's a very interesting idea.  I'll have to think about it.  I don't know how to create submenus themselves, but I could potentially see the possibility to add some of your favorite scripts to the Simple Script menu.  I've been trying to figure out a way to add shortcuts to scripts, especially for the purpose of using scripts for code snippets.  This could be a possible solution.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      A great plugin!
      This version 1.10 is even better!

      Would it be possible to have a feature to confirm step by step html ascii letters replacement?
      (replace all is also a good feature)

      It would also be nice to have a list with all ascii codes to click on it to insert a code during typing.

      Thank again!

      • fidvo

        fidvo - 2008-01-30

        1) Would it be possible to have a feature to confirm step by step html ascii letters replacement?

        I'm not sure what you're asking.  Could you elaborate please?

        2) It would also be nice to have a list with all ascii codes to click on it to insert a code during typing.

        Yes it would, but that's probably beyond the scope of Simple Script.  As a compromise, you could save the Windows Character Map to a keyboard shortcut using the Run feature of Notepad++ or the NPPExec plugin.  The path is:


        (That's on Vista.  It's probably the same on other versions of Windows, but if not, just look it up in the properties of the shortcut in the start menu)

        It's not quite as easy as just clicking a button, but like I said, it's a compromise.