
Ctrl + F4 to close

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi. Notepad++ is great software. Can a close tab by pressing Ctrl + F4 feature be added in the next release?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The last thing I need is, in a second of confusion, pressing ALT+F4 when I really wanted CTRL+F4. I must weigh in and say no to creating a default CTRL+F4. I mean, if you want to do it yourself, have at it. But staying inline with the CTRL+W standard combo (like FF) is a very good idea.

      • Blorgbeard

        Blorgbeard - 2009-09-04

        Sorry to resurrect this thread, but..

        Firefox uses both ctrl+f4 and ctrl+w - I am of the opinion that N++ should do the same by default.

        I found the shortcut mapper now anyway - but it is annoying to have to do it on all the computers I install N++ on.

        And now ctrl+w doesn't work of course. I'd like to be able to use either - like FF ;)

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-09-04

      Ask for "this" on IdeaTorrent. You may wish to generalise this to being able to assign several shortcuts to any command - only Scintilla commands have this ability currently.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Current release: use the shortcut mapper.

    • LMS_RampagE

      LMS_RampagE - 2008-01-30

      There is already a hotkey for closing tabs: Ctrl+W! Another one like Ctrl+F4 will bring confusion. BTW Ctrl+W is a standart combo for closing tabs in many apps (Mozilla Firefox for ex). Personaly I don't like the idea...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I also always wanted this: close tabs with both <ctrl+W> and <ctrl+F4>

      ps. When I mapped <ctrl+F4> to tab close, pressing <ctrl+W> makes weird 'ETB' thing, instead of closing tabs or just 'do nothing'. what 'ETB' means for?

      • steakhacher

        steakhacher - 2008-02-06

        you may use auto hot key to do this

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-03-23

    CTRL-F4 is kind of a default since Windows 3.x to close sub-windows, wherease ALT-F4 closes the program.

    So I was rather confused when it _didn't_ work on N++. :-/

  • Bob Uncle

    Bob Uncle - 2012-03-24

    You can try mapping CTRL+F4 in your shortcut mapper (not sure what to map to). Also, CTRL+W (the cross platform close window/tab) is still an option.

  • cchris

    cchris - 2012-03-24

    As I mentioned earlier, the Colse command can be mapped to one key only. So you'd need to change the mapping for the Close command from Ctrl-W to Ctrl-F4.
    Or to define Ctrl-F4 as a macro that does Ctrl-W.
