
Simple Script 1.09 released

  • fidvo

    fidvo - 2008-01-23

    I added a couple of quick features to Simple Script while waiting to see if anyone figures out the issues with docked forms in Delphi.  I'm operating under the assumption that this issue will eventually be resolved, so for now I'm leaving the form docked.

    The new features:

    1) You can now group your scripts in the .ini file.  It doesn't have any kind of auto-categorization for different languages or file types, and I haven't created an interface for the .ini file yet.  Scripts can belong to more than one group.  See the new SimpleScript.ini file for the syntax.  (Don't worry.  If you've made a custom .ini file, it's backward compatible; you just won't have any groups until you add them)

    2) The function list now displays the detailed description of the function.

    3) I added parameter types to the descriptions in the readme and the function list.   To improve readability, I also used mixed case for the function names, e.g. "BeginLine" instead of "beginline".  (In the script itself, the functions are case-insensitive)

    4) Fixed a minor bug in the "DeleteBetweenTags" function.  Previously it wouldn't recognize a tag if it began on the first character of the document or selected text.

    I've got a couple more functions to add, then I'll start working on variables.  After that, I'll work on templates, code snippets, and "Run Script on all open files".

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you fidvo.

      Great the future release with the feature "Run Script on all open files" :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The html to plain text convert doesn't work.

      (this is a great idea)

      The unclean foreign characters is very nice as well.