
"DonHo" should be fired

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  • DoGooder

    DoGooder - 2008-01-05

    He obviously can't program his way out of a wet paper bag, and has destroyed this project.

    This program is SO buggy that it's barely usable.

    I think we should take the project away from him, fix it, and do it right.

    • TodWulff

      TodWulff - 2008-01-06


      I haven't been lurking in SF too long, but I about fell out of my chair when I visited the site below - the page that shows the donations that have been made to the project.  Prior to my visiting and donating, it appears that the last donation was made back in Nov '06.

      Quite simply ... WTF?  The project has been on SF since Nov '03 and only the two donations are shown.  Granted, the Donation System, or Don's acceptance of same may not have started back in Nov '03, but it surely was back in Nov '06, and to have only a single donation since that time ... is pitiful.  This is especially true, since it seems that this project has been in the top 10 of SF activity for some time now...

      Obviously Don and the Plug-in Devs don't do this for the monies, but surely it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that countless hours have been invested in not only the application, but also in admin-ing it here on SF - taking time to support the forum's users and the plethora of bugs/requests/etc.

      The frigging blatant rudeness and lack of social-grace that some people exhibit appalls me - specifically like the person that started this thread via some totally non-constructive and down-right disrespectful comments.

      DoGooder, Momma always said "If you can't say something nice [or constructive]..." KEEP YOUR FRIGGING MOUTH SHUT!


      With that, and now that the holidays are over, let's have those of us that are worth our salt, take a second and cough up as much as deemed appropriate and help Don's (and the others') tolerance of the uglier side of dealing with the masses, by following the example that 'siliners' and I have set and help to start paying back what Don and the other devs have freely given - their time and talents.

      Donations can be made to the project here:

      I do not know Don, nor any of the others involved in the project.  However, I do know a damn fine piece of software when I come across it, and surely many of you will agree that NPP is worth something tangible.  It only takes a minute - literally, if you already have a PayPal account - to do this thing that is right, and earned.

      Thanks, in advance, for contributing to the longevity and growth of NPP.  Take care.


      • thisjohn

        thisjohn - 2008-01-15

        Ok TodWulff, you managed to shame me into donating ;o)  I have to say that NotePad++ may not be a perfect app, but it is FREE and QUITE USEFUL - I use it nearly every day.  I have to say that I really appreciate Don's work and hope he continues.

        Thank You, Don, for all your time and effort.  I think it is really appreciated by most users - including me!  Keep up the good work!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've been using notepad++ for at least 2 years now for professional php and web development.  I have it open every single day, and I'm doing some pretty intensive stuff.  I can count the number of exceptions that NPP has thrown on 1 hand.  Actually, on 1 finger, because it has only errored one time.  This is on XP pro, 2003 server and Vista business ultimate.  3 pretty diverse flavors of windows.  Based on my experience, I'd have to say this is one solid product, and the user reporting the errors probably has some pretty serious problems with his/her own system, or just doesn't have the brain capacity to use NPP.

      Don Ho, thanks for the phenomenal product, great job!

      Also, I have a screenshot of the error message displayed from the one exception I've ever gotten with NPP.  It is actually pretty funny.  I'm guessing you probably know what it is already Don, but if interested, let me know and I'll email it to you.  Thanks again,


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        ... for throwing weird exceptions, ey?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2008-01-05

      > This program is SO buggy that it's barely usable.

      So why are you still here?


      • DooGie

        DooGie - 2008-01-05

        Sure you didn't start this thread yourself Don as a windup :)

        Anyway please keep up the good work it's much appreciated.

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2008-01-05

          > Sure you didn't start this thread yourself Don as a windup :)

          Don't understand you, are you tring to tell me that I'm doGooder?


          • DooGie

            DooGie - 2008-01-06

            It was meant as a lighthearted jest Don.

            Sorry if it offended you.

    • Cal

      Cal - 2008-01-05

      Gotta disagree, I think Notepad++ is pretty well coded.

    • fidvo

      fidvo - 2008-01-05

      > He obviously can't program his way out of a wet paper bag

      I've never been in a wet paper bag and if I ever was, I don't think any amount of programming would get me out of it.

      > and has destroyed this project.

      I'm curious as to your definition of the word "destroy."  Last time I checked, it seemed to be thriving.

      > This program is SO buggy that it's barely usable.

      I agree completely.  All of those bugs like... well... there was that one... no...

      Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever encountered a bug in Notepad++, and I've used it on 4 different computers so I doubt that my experience with it is unique.  I guess I just haven't been pessimistic enough.  Maybe if I start looking for bugs I'll find some.

      > I think we should take the project away from him, fix it, and do it right.

      Well, it is open source after all.  If you feel that strongly about it, go right ahead.  Let me know when you've fixed all of the bugs.  Or you could be a little more specific and a lot less negative, and maybe people will take you seriously.

      By the way, have you tried yoga?  I've heard it's very relaxing, and it sounds like you could use a little stress relief.

      To everyone else on this forum, I apologize.  I must have missed the "Do Not Feed the Trolls" sign.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      "Never look a gifted horse in the mouth."

      In programming, new features will introduce new bugs.

    • jive

      jive - 2008-01-05

      Is this some kinda joke. You really can't be serious with this post. Don
      has worked tirelessly to bring us such a wonderful program, and he does this
      on his own time.

      Be grateful or don't use it....

      and btw - get a clue... even if it's just a small one.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is it a new "January" fool ?

      Do you know the diff. bet BUGS & FEATURES ?



      Never mind Don , your work is perfect & thanks for everything.

      Mohammed Sayed

    • Trpplayer79

      Trpplayer79 - 2008-01-05

      I completely DISAGREE!
      It is DonHo who has created this wonderfull software and made it to what is it right now.
      If you can do it better: create your own software but don't dare to use the N++ code!
      when you add features the chance for bugs get higher.
      With all the features N++ has the amount of bugs is VERY LOW!
      and if there is a bug it normally get's fixed in a acceptable time.

      and as last thing i say the same as the others:
      if you don't like the software: don't use it and stay away from here!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        May be that dogooder has lost the case, but don't forget, that most people here are only users and not programmers! Therefore is not everybody able to change the code for the necessary bugfixes, nevertheless has everybody the right for constructive critiques. And what I criticise here is, that since a very long time is npp a userguide and/or online help missing, and after all, there are no release notes in the package. Instead of that is everybody forced to waste his time in this forum, when reading through dozens of threads to get the needed infos. That's for both sides not comfortable, it would be much more effective, when DonHo writes a well documented file of release notes, in which every user can easily follow on which details he has to take care of.

        Please don't tell us now, that it is open source, and for free, and there is always the chance for bugs, and so on! That's absolutely irrelevant, there are tons of free software out there with hundreds of enthusiastic volunteering people, working on fast growing projects with the permanent interest to hold the documentation on a actual stage if possible. Why to the hell can this not also happen here? It's no wonder, that people is every time complaining when running into troubles because DonHo's careless contribution. Nobody is perfect and npp is all together not bad, but a project like that earns a bit more maintenance to be really successful.

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2008-01-05

          > there are tons of free software out there with hundreds of enthusiastic volunteering people,
          > working on fast growing projects with the permanent interest to hold the documentation on a
          > actual stage if possible.

          Take a look here, it's wiki and everyone can access it :

          So if you want to be the volunteer, you're very welcome.


          • Nobody/Anonymous

            Don, if you read my posting well, than you can see what I really talk about! Your wiki is in this way a bunch of useless faq's (fucking questions & answers). Reading through this all could never help in the previously described case. Every change in the behaviour and/or use of npp needs a good documentation in the RELEASE NOTES, which are permanently missed since npp exist! If you are not willing to write one, please let other people do the job; and once again, don't tell me that you are always alone, nobody helps you, and so on. Don, for YOUR code is nobody else responsible than only YOU, for YOUR changes has nobody else more informations than only YOU!!! Let me tell you: it is quite unprofessional to leave the users always alone with problems that you have produced.

            • Don HO

              Don HO - 2008-01-06

              > Don, for YOUR code is nobody else responsible than only YOU,
              > for YOUR changes has nobody else more informations than only YOU!

              This kind of attitude from few of end users is a downside on the open source projects.

              I really enjoy this project, and it doesn't bother me at all to share it with the others.
              So I won't complaint that I work hard on it, and some end users are ungrateful.
              But this one... I don't think it's reasonable.

              The patch tracker works fine so you can submit your fixed bug code or your new feature code there.
              Otherwise you can put the release note on Wiki FAQ.
              If you don't want to spend your time to contribute, it's ok for me.
              In this case, you could, AT LEAST, speak in this forum cordially.

              > Let me tell you: it is quite unprofessional to leave the users always alone
              > with problems that you have produced.

              Oh, don't bother, I don't earn my life with this project.
              OTOH, I don't need to be "professional" with the person like you seeing that how you are cordial and I owe you nothing.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > He obviously can't program his way out of a wet paper bag, and has destroyed this project.
      > This program is SO buggy that it's barely usable.

      That's odd.  I've used it daily, without incident.  But by all means, you better stop using it right away.

      > I think we should take the project away from him, fix it, and do it right.

      It's open source, so knock yourself out.  Better yet, you seem to know exactly what to do, so create your own bug-free app from scratch.  Although from your SF profile, it seems that you're involved in an entire zero projects, so I'll stick with my success here.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      In response to the post that starts out with @trpplayer79, do you have any idea how hard programming an application can be? Probably not since by your post it is clear that you are not a programmer. I agree that you still have a right to constructive criticism but the original post on here was in no way constructive. I think that is the main reason everyone is so hyped up to defend NP++. If you want to post about bugs then go right ahead but at least point out what they are and maybe how to reproduce the error. I don't know any programmer that can read a post that says something like "This program is SO buggy that it's barely usable" and then say to themselves, "I know exactly what he is talking about, let me get on that right away!" I mean seriously, saying something like that is just asking for opposition.
      As to your comment about other applications having a large number of people working on it, I really don't see how that is any of Don Ho's fault. Should he be recruiting? Should he have some large sign on the homepage offering people money or something? Sure I agree there are open source projects with various people working on them and making progress but do note that those people are volunteers that felt the need to help. You can't force people to help out on a project so I really don't see how this is a fault of NP++ or Don Ho. In fact, look at it this way. If this program was as buggy as the original comment said it was, don't you think there would be more people helping out? I mean by the number of posts on this forum, you can safely conclude that there are a good number of people who use this editor so if it was that buggy, one of two things would happen. Either A) More people would be helping out on fixing these bugs or B) there wouldn't be so many posts as people would just use something else.
      In conclusion, yes you do have a right to post constructive criticism but you don't have a right to be an ass!

      • Trpplayer79

        Trpplayer79 - 2008-01-05

        I'm not a programmer of software but i do programme websites and kix scripts
        and I test drivers for Builing Management software.
        I know that programming is very hard and thats why i don't like this critisime on the software DonHo has created on the free time. In stead of breaking of DonHo we should support him with donatins or constructive posts to get ride of all the errors
        I agree that problems with the software have to reported correctly and with as much info you can give sow that the programmers can try to reproduse/solve it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You might have misunderstood me...I said the post that started with "@trpplayer79" not trpplayer79's post. The one that starts with "May be that dogooder has lost the case, but don't forget,"

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I meant absolutely nothing against you. I might not have been clear who's post I was talking about but it is kind of hard when most people, including myself, are anonymous posters.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hey DOGhooter, I'm relieved to see a message of you again.
      I thought you had died!

      If Notepad++ is barely usable, you shouldn't spend time on it.
      If others think it is OK to use or work on, just let them spend theirs. I guess you won't succeed in spending their time in a better way.

      Of course you are free to contribute to get the project fixed, but is that what you really want? Because of the buggyness, it could take LOADS of times.

      Perhaps looking for another FREE application, will take less time and bring more comfort and happiness.

      BUT BE AWARE!!!

      There is a lot of crap on the whole internet community, so perhaps the best thing is to stop using that as well. It might just take too much of your time, sleep, life, joy and happiness to try and convince all of the bad users, programmers and so on of you wise opinions.

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