
User Define Dialog Box Freezing

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I only just got this problem today (I was using it fine yesterday) but the user define dialog box has gone mental. Its docked, but I cant undock it, I cant click on any of its buttons or tabs. The only one I can click on is "Create New..." and even that you have to have your mouse over rare spots.
    I cant select text from within NotePad++ either.
    All other  buttons in NP++ are NOT clickable unless you mouse over the top left quater of the icon :S. All menu options (file, edit.. ect) are fully working.

    Im running windows vista and notepad++ 4.7.2
    I'll restart and see if that helps at all.

    - BigBob85

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've disabled all plugins but it still dosnt want to work.

      - BigBob85

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Perhaps this is a general Notepad++ problem then having to do with docking instead of being related to using the Plug-Ins which the problem occurs with, too.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What Plug-Ins do you use?

      There are similar problems with the Simple Script Plug-In and another plug-in in development stage.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Just all the default installed ones

        - BigBob85

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Its still doing it after restart :(