
Should I do this feature?

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2007-11-29

    I have a situation here usually :
    A change of behaviour is very demanded, I do the change, then there're another users ask to go back the old behaviour.
    So I want to ask before I implement this :

    Is there anyone prefer the toggle comment/uncomment rather than comment and uncomment commands separaly?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I feel that toggle promotes the use of NOT commenting by uncommenting already commented blocks, it is very annoying.  PLEASE provide an option to turn it off.  Notepad++ is almost perfect, this is a big drawback.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I don't think "almost perfect" and "big drawback" go together, do you?

    • qwesp

      qwesp - 2007-11-29

      Hi Don, first of all, thanx for this editor ;)
      For me the toggle is sufficient for _most_ cases.

      And when I'am already writing,...i would _VERY_ like an old Crimson Editor's feature to jump cursor to last editing char. In CE it was bind to Ctrl+\ , but this shortcut is already used (...for something functionaly close to Ctrl+RIGHT).


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I prefer the current behaviour. It is good for me.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-11-30

      I prefer the seperate approach, because when I select lots of code to comment I dont like any specifications to become uncommented (streamcomment can be used as a workaround but you cannot uncomment that). OTOH, maybe when Notepad++ contextmenu become available for the plugins this behaviour can be changed manually (as long as you can remove the old items then, since 2 comment options are a bit much)

    • steakhacher

      steakhacher - 2007-11-30

      I think that it is a necessary function to implement, because I often want to comment a section of code which could content comments.
      Nevertheless it could be a good idea to always have the last behavior again. Why not let the last function on ctrl+q and set comment on alt+q and uncomment alt+shift+q.

      An other possibility is to implement a comment/uncomment function which comment if there are line not commented line in selection and which uncomment if all selected lines are already commented.

      And why not have these 3 possibilities and let user to choose.

      Thanks to be listening to user attempts

    • Mark Baines

      Mark Baines - 2007-11-30

      Just let the user decide Don, put in an option to let the user choose how the function should behave.
      You're never going to please everyone as this small sample already shows. More coding for you but at least we'll all be happy :-))

      Mark B

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-12-01

        An option is not a good idea.

        It makes the application difficult to use.
        No mention that this feature can not set as option.


        • Mark Baines

          Mark Baines - 2007-12-01

          OK Don, I then prefer comment and uncomment separately.
          Thanks for asking!

          Mark B

        • steakhacher

          steakhacher - 2007-12-02

          so what do you think to have 3 comments menu entries: comment/uncomment, comment, uncomment with 3 shortcut. With this solution everybody could use its favor function.

    • Greg Bullock

      Greg Bullock - 2007-11-30

      If only one of the options is offered, I prefer that the comment and uncomment commands be separate for the same reason others have cited.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Don,

      I like the behaviour that the user can choose between different shortcuts for comment and uncomment. But one solution came in my mind. Could it be possible to define two menu entries like the "comment in" and "comment out" and define the same shortcuts for it if the user wants to toggle with one shortcut?

      Best Regards

    • steakhacher

      steakhacher - 2007-12-12

      Hi Don

      What about your reflexion?
      With reflexion I think that the best behavior is
      * If nothing is commented in the selection => comment selection
      * If there thing which are commented and things uncommented : add a level of comment (so for example code will be comment be an other level of comment is add before the comment inside the code)
      * If everything is commented, the function uncomment the selection.

      The interest is to use only one shortcut for comment and uncomment, and which doesn't penalized people which insert some comments in there source code. Moreover I just discover that it is what is implemented in eclipse (with cpp plugin)
      Refer to this thread for some people reaction

      Thanks for your great soft

    • jive

      jive - 2007-12-13

      I prefer to toggle. Hate to right click unless necessary.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm coming to this thread late, so maybe it's too late:

      Toggle is fine the way it is. My only problem is that
      Comment uncomments what's already commented in a block of text, and Uncomment comments what's not commented in a block of text. This make editing large blocks of text very error-prone.

      Best wishes

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Toggle please.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-12-18

        Old feature will be kept, new feature will be added.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          should I add a request for comment behavior? Is it possible to not have to select something in a line to comment/uncomment the line with shortcut

          Thanks a lot

    • Vadi

      Vadi - 2007-12-19

      Great, thanks!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The commands are already there, you can even remap the shortcuts to your likings.