
Open Tabs in a Dockable Window plugin

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just wondering if it would be possible to create a plugin that's a dockable window containing the current open tabs.  What's more, it would be nice to disable the default horizontal tabs display if this dock tabs could be feasable.

    This feature is nice because it complements the functions dock on the other side, with plenty of room in between (trying to keep code to 80 char lines).

    Also, could not compile on windows with mingw32, seems some include files were not present in mingw, a bit vague, but anyone able to compile version 4.5 with mingw32?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sounds great, what's the name of your plug-in and do you have a link to it?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It's finished, but I couldn't publish it at the moment because I have no internet connection at home. Today I should get it, so I think I can publish a first version until this weekend.

      Best Regards