
Eclipse 3.3 integration

  • rdleeper

    rdleeper - 2007-11-07

    I am fairly a novice to eclipse.  I have Eclipse 3.3 installed on my machine and about to do some Python/Jython coding.  I would like to use PyDev but have come across some installation issues.  Could someone point me in the right direction on how to solve them?

    - Doug

    P.S. the errors:

    Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced.
    See details for more information.
    ----- Current configuration problems -----
    JST Web Core (2.1.0.v200709192200-7Q7AE8kEHhHegvoxz-OtKv6) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.2.0)", or compatible.
    Java Persistence API Tools (1.1.0.v200709170000-772AgCYQCCz-D_LoCCEH) requires feature "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature".
    JST Enterprise UI (2.1.0.v200709192200-7b7BF1nEU6AXKMCq-sPoJVbQYcYQ) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.2.0)", or compatible.

    ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
    JST Web Core (2.1.0.v200709192200-7Q7AE8kEHhHegvoxz-OtKv6) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.2.0)", or compatible.
    Java Persistence API Tools (1.1.0.v200709170000-772AgCYQCCz-D_LoCCEH) requires feature "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature".
    JST Enterprise UI (2.1.0.v200709192200-7b7BF1nEU6AXKMCq-sPoJVbQYcYQ) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.emf.codegen (2.2.0)", or compatible.
    Pydev Mylar Integration (0.2.0) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.mylar (2.0.0.v20070403-1300)", or later version.

    Note: I checked my eclipse setup and it appears that I have EMF 2.3.x installed.  How do I get the emf.codegen package?

    • Steve Arnold

      Steve Arnold - 2007-11-22

      You should be able to install/update almost all of those through the Eclipse Europa Discovery site in the update manager.  The only problematic one appears to be the last one:

      Pydev Mylar Integration (0.2.0) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.mylar (2.0.0.v20070403-1300)", or later version.

      This is now called Mylin in the current Europa (Eclipse 3.3x) release, and I'm not quite sure how to make it happy, since Mylar no longer exists.

      Any tips?

    • Steve Arnold

      Steve Arnold - 2007-11-22

      Heh, the second time I tried the update manager I also checked the Mylin updates, and now the Pydev Optional Extensions shows two versions, Mylin 0.3.0 and Mylar 0.2.0 so just un-check the second one and you should be good to go.