
Bug: no unicode in dialog box and cross tabs

  • breezewave

    breezewave - 2007-11-02

    using npp++ 4.5 and my windows 2000 has default big5(cp950) codepage:
    "却" U+5374 can be copy & pasted in the same document, but when copying to the field in find dialog it changes to "?".
    Also, copying to another tab make it "?", but copying from npp++ to windows notepad works well.

    By the way, about the homepage in traditional chinese, the "線上輔助" has it item cutted by bottom.

    • breezewave

      breezewave - 2007-11-02

      addition: my browser is firefox

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-11-02

      Copy pasting between tabs should go fine, are you sure the formatting of the target tab has been set to unicode?
      The reason all the dialogs do not support unicode characters is because notepad has been build in ANSI (probably without DBCS), so the only part that supports unicode is the scintilla part.
      This is the reason notepad++ is not able to open file with a unicode name.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have encountered the same problem . I have no problem with version 4.2.2. But version 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 does not work.

    • breezewave

      breezewave - 2007-11-05

      Yes, copying between tabs have no problem now.
      It should be the fault of target encoding format, thank you.

      U+5374 doesn't exist in Big5 encoding, so even supporting DBCS might be in vain.

      I have a feature suggestion of previewing with a large file.
      When I want to look at the header of video files in hex mode, it always crashes due to lack of memory.