
FTP_synchronize crash report here

Don HO
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  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2007-10-15

    Ref :

    Please report your crash problem for FTP_synchronize here (for the reason of readability).

    If FTP_synchronize is stable, I'll consider to include it in the future release.


    • Der_Nico

      Der_Nico - 2007-11-01

      OK, OK it's your part  :)

      Error messages:

      and jepp: CPU usage of np++ has 99% and sometime just 50%

      • Harry

        Harry - 2007-11-01

        In case you missed the above message, 1.45 should fix it.
        1.43 has some very bad bug in it, although it will probably not show up on the server you use, so I suggest not using it if 1.45 works.

    • Der_Nico

      Der_Nico - 2007-11-01

      OK greate no timeout,

      but if i open an file and np++ loss focus, np++ is saying the open file is modified by another programm.

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-11-01

      The plugin only edits it configuration file and any file that is being downloaded, so please make sure you do not have any of both open and see if the problem persists. I am not able to reproduce that behaviour.

      Also, its going a bit offtopic here, so please use the FTP_synchronize forum at
      for any non critical (read non crashing) bugs, crashing bugs are very welcome there too, you can even put them in the tracker if you wish. This thread was more intended for Don to see if the plugin was getting stable at last :)

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-16

      I forgot to add, since Notepad 4.4 came out I changed autosave and exit functions to use the new messages, so the latest plugin will require atleast version 4.4 of Notepad++.

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-10-16

        > If you do use 4.4 and get the error, wait for an update, some behaviour has to be changed anyway
        Ref :

        What do you mean by it?


        • Harry

          Harry - 2007-10-16

          Well, in extreme cases some threads may report running because I waited for an event set at the end of the thread, instead of waiting for the thread itself. That didnt happen though, but I did find that the plugin reported running threads when there were none. I just fixed that so everything should be ok. (Silly mistake, I did WaitForMultipleObjects on an empty array, resulting in an error.)

          • Don HO

            Don HO - 2007-10-16

            OK then.
            I thought that implies to change (or add) some notifications in Notepad++.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-17

      I'd like to report my own crash :)
      Seems that when Notepad is exiting and you have unsaved files, you are given the option to save, not save or _cancel_ the entire shutdown procedure. Cancelling the procedure however does not prevent Notepad++ form sending the shutdown message. In fact, the shutdown is sent first and then the user is asked what to do. Considering I completely invalidate the plugin on shutdown this can easily cause crashes (clicking cancel by itself doesnt cause the crash, but rather using the plugin after doing so does). Could this behaviour be changed in 4.4.1, so NPPN_SHUTDOWN is send when closure of Notepad++ cannot be aborted?

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-10-24

        OK, it'll be v4.5
        Let me know if it still crashes with v4.5

        (contact me if you don't want to wait for new release)


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      i can't see anythink if i connect to our ftp.


    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-18

      What version are you using and where did you download it from? Can you see if the latest CVS release fixes this? There was an issue with DOS directory listings that could do this.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      from here ;)

      This is an Italtel switch....

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-18

      could you open CMD and use the ftp program to connect ot your server and type 'dir' and copy the output? It is probably a directory format I havent seen yet.

      See this psot and reply there please:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      sry can't post all of them ;)

      drwxr-xr-x    2 root         1024 Jan 29  2007 work
      -rw-rw-rw-    1 root           34 Jul  4 16:11 batch
      226 Transfer complete.
      FTP: 64d Bytes empfangen in 0,00Sekunden 7361000,00KB/s

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      BTW: some files are without extention     not: "readme.txt" -> just "readme"

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-18

      The directory listing misses the 'group' identifier, so everything after the root word is parsed as something else. The only thign I can do about it is creating the ability to create your own parsing rules.
      Also, if oyu send the SYST command (using raw command), what does the server reply?

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-25

      Well I 'fixed' the crash by simply disabling all the plugins functions (mainly the GUI) after it has been deinitialized. It still looked ugly, but there is no haste, especially since the only public version suffering from this is the one on the CVS.
      I'm happy 4.5 will fix this though, makes life that much easier :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I am having a bit of a problem with ftp_synchronize [on N++ 4.5]: I can't get it to download a directory.  All it tells me is "directory operation failed".  In "messages" window I can't see it actually trying to do the DIR command.  I can see all the transations [-> CWD, etc] but I don't actually see a "-> DIR" so I'm not sure exactly how it is trying to do the directory listing.

      My commands window [up to the "directory operation failed" is:
      Response (220): FtpBridge ready
      -> USER bernie
      Response (230): Command has no impact
      -> SYST
      Response (215): UNIX
      -> CWD /home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin
      Response (250): "/mnt/home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin" is current directory
      -> PWD
      Response (257): "/mnt/home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin" is current directory
      -> PWD
      Response (257): "/mnt/home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin" is current directory
      -> CWD /mnt/home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin
      Response (250): "/mnt/home/apd/shopping/cgi-bin" is current directory
      -> PASV
      Response (227): Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,17,12)

      And then it is dead.

    • Der_Nico

      Der_Nico - 2007-10-26


      what can i do to run this ¿


      drwxr-xr-x 2 root 1024 Jan 29 2007 work
      -rw-rw-rw- 1 root 34 Jul 4 16:11 batch
      226 Transfer complete.
      FTP: 64d Bytes empfangen in 0,00Sekunden 7361000,00KB/s

      i dont know what a "SYST command (using raw command"... just want to connect to my FTP and see files on them ;(

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-26

      Bernie, if that is the last thing then maybe passive mode does not work correctly and you can try active mode instead (see the options menu for that), if that doesnt solve it either it will probably be a much more difficult problem. The reason you do not see the DIR command (or LIST as it actually is) is bevcause the connection that has to be created before sending the LIST command cannot be made.

      Nico, the problem is that the user uses a different format of listing files than the plugin expects, so no files are listed. Unfortunatly, there is nothing you can do at the moment. I will see if I can fix the problem in a later version but untill then I'm afraid you have to use some alternative

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-10-30

      Der_Nico, could you please try the latest CVS version from here?:
      It should fix the directory listing issue

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      On v4.5 of Notepad++, when i downloaded a file from the FTP and displayed it, if i try to add something in the file (a space, a character, a new line...) it crashes and close himself :(

    • Der_Nico

      Der_Nico - 2007-11-01


      1.43 works fine
      - connecting to switch OK
      - open an file OK
      - save a file OK
      - All OK ;)  thx

      But in v1.44 -> just a timeout -> can't connecting to anything ;(

      Please add the version in About ;)
      The fileversion still

      [i use NP++: 4.5]

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