
Copy'nPaste - inserting CRLFs

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I found a strange behaviour of NPP when pasting multiple lines (source is plaintext, NPP) :
    an extra CRLF gets placed after each line.
    Is it possible to stop this or is this a Beature ??

    greetings and many thanks for a nifty tool,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm not seeing this.  Haven't tried 4.3 yet.

      Maybe a TextFX Viz setting?

    • Chris Severance

      Chris Severance - 2007-10-01

      If you have enabled TextFX Viz Capture Keyboard Ctrl-C,X,V then various Viz settings will alter Ctrl+V pasted text including changing line breaks to match the style for the current document. None should add extra line breaks that weren't there before unless your source text is using CR or LF in an unexpected way. To test this out select Edit Paste instead of Ctrl+V which bypasses TextFX tools.